Category Archive : tips

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Crypto Winter Investment Secrets

This recent article, from Chip of the Chatterbot crypto and altcoin investment newsletter, is being posted with permission.

Well, I can say a big welcome to the new members and welcome to the future. I love posting these updates, and we have members from all around the globe that are reading this, and they know that something MAGICAL is happening, and we are the only ones in the world that are doing what is called blockchain linguistics, and with a few clicks of a button, we give you things with a magical touch, with a magical beam wand, and even though CORONA virus was the biggest scam known to man, we had 2 of our members QUIT their jobs, and RETIRE while everyone else was on the sidelines, and broke, down and depressed.

There is power what you read in here…. but first….

You can watch our FREE WEBINAR HERE!!! To learn more!! =>

Once you find out many of our magical secrets it becomes quite addictive.


Stay with me here, because We need to go over some things. Ill Put it in point form and try to point things out the best way I can, and explain what we do!

1) The way people will in time, turn against biden.

2) Crypto changing the lives of many people. People Who missed out on bitcoin run are searching for the so called “Next bitcoin” which is what we will cover today.

3) Blockchain is actually being used for good. We are the only ones using it to predict events before they happen.

4) We predicted the SUPERBOWL winners before it happened, and it got attention from wall st pundits.

5) The world is not what you think it is, but when you play their game you win. Every single time.

6) YOU ARE GOING TO SEE MASSIVE WORLD WIDE events coming soon!, More waking up, and We mean big, both positive and negative, and lots of money can be made from this.

7) Bitcoin just hit an all time high. Yes, over $50,000…..while some said it would never go this high, we kept warning this was coming. $70,000 is going to come soon later on.

8) Main stream media know that they brainwashed people and told them not to get into crypto or blockchain, because they do not want you rich, they want you working and a slave for the banks.

9) We do not just bring the NEWS, and the TRUTH we are giving a way for people to make money from this, before anyone else out there is. Even bigger banks, and investors are getting on board.

10) We already know that blockchain is the next internet. No one can see this yet, because they do not understand the way technology works. There is a tech boom every 20-30 years. Blockchain is the next big one. This is only the beginning.

11) Our team has been extremely accurate over the years……We never make or claims any guarantees with any of our information. All we can do is claim to be technology experts, and on top of that just MESSENGERS!!! We are just On a mission!!

12) We cannot force you to do anything with your hard earned money, and all we are trying to do, is wake people up to the possibilities in the future. TRUTH, CRYPTO, ROBOTICS, INTERNET OF THINGS, CARS WITHOUT DRIVERS, TALKING COMPUTERS, CURES FOR CANCER, ROBOTS LIKE HUMANS, EXPLOSION IN DRONES, SKYROCKETING METAL PRICES [to ridiculous levels] , TOKENIZATION, CASHLESS ECONOMIES, ELECTRIC VEHICLES, and Much Much more…….. This is all coming soon!….



While some people are reading this and having their mind blown right now, you must understand, in this life, no matter what people say about you, or claim to label you, you deserve two things as you walk the earth…..

What are these 2 things we talk about?





For those wanting to know how they can upgrade their membership you can CLICK HERE ==>



Why I Love Kryp-toe Winter – 3 Secrets đŸ˜đŸ€©

I get sick of all the newsletters out there giving clueless advice. YUP! Why can I say this, well because we have special software (click here) that predicts events before they happen. We have done this very accurately for years now…., and I have created several millionaires just from following our daily advice! And we have PROOF to show that too. I’m not just saying it. So it might be worth to sit the F#$K down and start paying attention my friends!!

I will cut to the chase!

The crytpo market is down right now and everyone has their panties in a bunch. I get that, but I know there are people shouting and screaming and getting their advice from the fake news, but I thought I would fill you in on some secrets today, that will put you ahead of the race when it comes to crypto and crypto investing.

Im going to share some secrets with you below!

This year was huge for the crypto developer space even though the digital asset market continues to wallow in a downturn, according to a new report by web3 developer platform Alchemy.

Although the crypto market capitalization is down about 58% year to date, web3 developers are pouring into the space.

The report found that developer activity increased based on the number of crypto software developer kit (SDK) libraries being downloaded, smart contracts being stored on blockchains, and the growth in the number of decentralized applications (dApps) in the market.

While many think crypto is dead as a doornail, and gone, What I will tell you, is It’s a really exciting time in web3 overall and especially in the web3 development space, We were shocked at the results [because they run] counter to the narratives out there with token prices being down, pullbacks in investments, and even layoffs. But in the data with libraries, smart contracts, and dApp growth, all those numbers are up year over year.”

Despite the bear market, crypto has become a “builder market,” with many clearly undeterred. So these little whiz kids are getting back to work, and the next revolution in the blockchain is starting. Just people do not KNOW IT YET, you do!

Just remember when we talk about this whole crypto and blockchain space, this whole Crypto bear markets are often when the best projects get built,

The kids that were having sex with models, and going out every night, snorting coke, and getting drunk, actually realize they gotta get back in the office and get to work. Fancy that huh!? đŸ€Ł

SO people can say what they like, I am embracing this whole thing because the last time we had a bear market, apps got built, things got down, and blockchain and the whole blockchain industry forged ahead, because the programmers got back to work, the rich kids got back in their offices, and there was real use of time, instead of partying and wild roof parties with champagne on ice.

You know that part of the party where you say….NAH I HAVE HAD ENOUGH…IM GOING HOME SARAH!!!…. đŸ€Ł

You sort of hit a wall right, and the ole body needs to sit and recover!?

Choose your hangover

There is so much I could say here. But Realistically when it comes down to it you are only as good as your last trick. This is the hangover from the last bull run. It had to happen and I am actually enjoying it, because I see stuff getting done. The apps and the dapps are the future of technology. People are starting to realize that the world is changing and the jabs, and people getting sick from these FAKE ASS COVID VACCINES.… are going to start to create some sort of a revolution. But as I said, we are always ahead of time, and people right now still trust the govt, and still trust the BANKS!!! đŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł

Ummmmm good luck with that.

I dont have to tell the sheep, I WILL SHOW THEM…….


I have been warning people for many years now. I have already made fortunes in crypto when people were trying to get on exchanges at midnight and still suckle from their mumma’s teet!!! 😎

People all over the world follow me, and they are having fun in the process. I always wanted to make money, and have fun. Its our god given birth right. I do work hard, dont get me wrong, but I am having the time of my life. I want you to enjoy the same.

We are over here teaching people how to get off the grid, get away from the vaccines and all the BS mandates, and how to think for themselves.

While others are stuck on CNN and FAKE news, we are giving real news, and real predictions and posting events, sometimes years before they happen. Just think if you were getting that stuff….how much power would that give you. I just gave away a few of our secrets here, but the currency of the new economy coming are those who have the INFORMATION….infact having the intel is like having real gold bullion in your pocket!!!!

I tell you what, If you think you know what is happening, THINK AGAIN!

People in 2022 have trouble tying up their shoelaces and we keep showing you PROOF!!!

Check this crap out! If you don’t believe me. đŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł

I MEAN HOLY CRAP PEOPLE!!! These are good little slaves and sheep right! 😁😂

These people are too far gone, I agree. I have trouble sleeping when I watched that video. I was not sure whether I should laugh of should cry!!!!! WOW just wow.

So if you are wondering why crypto is down so much, now you know why!!!!



I could rant on for hours. But when you think about it, people are slaves, and people who are thinking about crypto are people I feel are learning to think for themselves. Its a transfer of wealth never seen before, and people have not even woke up to that fact yet. YES!< you just read that right.

Being an influencer on social media is fun, I will give myself that. But people are starting to wake up.

Its only the start, but What I have dedicated my life to is the truth, and how financially the world is changing. Its to do with everything. And you as a human soul chose to come back here and see all this drama and chaos, and so if you are reading this and thinking when is this madness going to end. It will only end for you, when you are ready and ready to step out of being a prisoner in your own mind!!!

You see you have a chance to set yourself financially free. But that is up to you. Most people are getting their intel from fake news, and getting it right. People listen to us and keep getting it right over and over again. That is the simple fact. People keep coming to us like white on rice…..


The banks are on the verge of going belly up, and they are not going to admit it to you, because why? THEY HAVE BEEN STEALING FROM YOU FOR YEARS!.

I will let you in on a secret, some of the banks are already GONE belly up, but they do not want you rushing out of your house , speeding down town in your car, and skidding up to their front door, and rushing in to take all your money out. Sure I could see that happening. But, I hope to god that it does not happen. But we are in changing times, whether you like it or not.

The banks are NOT the future. DIGITAL CURRENCIES ARE!!!

Even one of the biggest banks this week in the USA admitted they are getting in on the act. They know their time is coming to an end. So this is like nothing we have seen before.

And not even 0.05% of the worlds population get it yet. So its early days. 🙂

HOPE THIS HELPS!….. Keep reading for 4 more tips!!!….


For those wanting to know how they can upgrade their membership you can CLICK HERE ==>


We even think we have found the next bitcoin, or the next up and coming coin that if you jump in now, it could change your life forever. Now I know you are thinking, here we go, this is another scam, no, we have members around the world quitting their jobs from our newsletter because you are not going to get our information anywhere else. That is something you can bank on.

Pick The right one, and At minimum you will kill it, and change your life and your families financial future. So I can see why in the future people are going to talk about this,and study this. But as we said, its early days, and we are giving our members lots of options! To put their best feet forward


Stop blaming others for cock-ups in life! Hey, we all make mistakes right!??

You are the answer to all your problems. Sure, we are all here to learn, but you are the answer and the secret to your financial future. If you keep making mistakes, dont you think its time to grab life by the balls and do something about it. Dont you think its time to be a grown up and do grown up things.

Time to take a chance and take hold of your financial future. To make life better for you and your kids, and your whole family.

My mentor who passed away few years ago, shared something with me, that has stuck with me for a long time. Its a saying that rattles around in my mind most weeks. He once said ” IF IT SHALL BE< THEN ITS UP TO ME”

These are some very wise words!!! It just means that if you want something in life, then you actually have to get off your fat ass and go and grab it. Do not just sit and wait around and expect good things to magically appear on your doorstep. That crap, never worked for anyone. Its hard work and taking action that breed results my friend. So seize the day as they say!!!

I think excuses are much easier to make than going and taking action on stuff.

Its never too late to START either, if that is what you are thinking.


You can watch our FREE WEBINAR HERE!!! To learn more!! =>

Once you find out many of our magical secrets it becomes quite addictive.

Before you go…..

Digital currencies, especially Bitcoin (BTC), is the next evolution of money. We have been talking about this many moons ago, that cryptocurrency is poised for mainstream adoption in the next several years, but we have been talking about that fact for the last 8 years, and its all starting to play out. It will disrupt many weak economies, including fiat currencies!

We are going to get more mainstream crypto adoption in or around 2023…so there is lots of time.

The arrival of digital money/currency will spur massive disruption of the world’s economy, “foreshadowed by the new shifting of planetary economical alignments.”

You might be reading this, and a skeptic, but money is a technology—and technology always disrupts, and once you get your head around this, many worlds open up for you.

No one really understands and is ready for what is coming, WITH TRUMP at the WHEEL….. An “American Revolution 2.0 will officially begin sometime in 2022.”

Biden is not the real president, and you will see the truth come out about the election fraud soon. Very soon friends. They have put in an actor to make you think he is the president, and people are starting to wake up. Blockchain is going to prove who really won the presidency, and that is WHO….TRUMP!??

If something has been nagging at you, and chewing at your mind since the lockdowns started, now you know. Now you can make the connections.

“covid” Scam, coughing, germs, paper money spread of germs, govt intervention, “LETS GO CASHLESS!”…….. ie. The boom of digital currencies.


Consider reading that last sentence again! It just made you smarter, and You now know what 99.99% Of the rest of the world does NOT know! Others are not catching on.

We have already peered into the looking glass for you, with blockchain and confirmed that this is all coming, and it feels like we are writing from the future, ahead of time, to help people open their eyes.

Crypto vs world’s economy

In the next two years, this is just the start, more growth and adoption is coming in the digital currency financial system. This includes the long-planned Chinese digital yuan, and other countries. Its not just all talk!!!!

Instead of reading last weeks news, you now know what is coming, how it affects you and what you can do about it. You can be 17 steps ahead of others, and take action, and even make a few shekels form this new found knowledge of yours!!!

As the old economic guard wrestles with the unstoppable crypto-upstarts, social protest and unrest will likely erupt among fragile economies, and now you know!!!!

We have many new students with us learning more and more each day. My clients are from all walks of life and all sorts of backgrounds.

As we said, INFORMATION is power, with great power comes great life changing experiences.

Be 17 steps ahead of others, and REAP HUGE REWARDS!

Have a great day.



For those wanting to know how they can upgrade their membership you can CLICK HERE ==>

bitcoin investment newsletter

CHIP’s Thoughts On Bitcoin

The following post from CHIP of the Chatterbot newsletter service, is posted with permission.


I get sick of all the newsletters out there giving clueless advice. YUP! Why can I say this, well because we have special software — CLICK HERE that predicts events before they happen. We have done this very accurately for years now…., and I have created several millionaires just from following our newsletter that is behind > THE BLOG HERE < ! And we have PROOF to show that too. I’m not just saying it. So it might be worth to sit the F#$K down and start paying attention my friends!!

I will cut to the chase!

Knowing the ‘cryptocurrency secrets’ will help you gain good benefits in a short span of time

Some people have this vague opinion that cryptocurrency is a shortcut to wealth, but it is easy said than done. I am not saying you are going to make it or become rich. The cryptocurrency market is crowded with over 13,000 digital tokens and every month, at least 50-100 potential virtual currencies enter the market.

We just had a big crypto dip, and people are confused as to what is going to happen next!!! NOT ME….. NOT ONE BIT!! A whole lot of new investors jumped into the cryptocurrency market last year with the hope to yield from their investment.

But hold the horses for a moment. People Need to see what is going on, and need to understand the BIG GUYS do not want you to know what is going on!!!



I have every man and his dog right now they put in their life savings and crypto is going to zero. Hey! They could be right, and I am here to clear the air with some of our loyal members. I get the feeling you guys know what I am going to say, so I might as well go ahead and get my megaphone! đŸ€Ł

‘Bitcoin Is Dead’ Google Searches Estimated to Rise Significantly This Week News recently wrote on Schiff’s bitcoin opinion last week when he said crypto advocates’ “need to sell bitcoin to pay the bills will only get worse as the recession deepens.” Google Trends data shows that there’s been an awful lot of “bitcoin is dead” searches and this week’s GT data score for the phrase “bitcoin is dead” is expected to hit an all-time high at 100


HOPE THIS HELPS!….. Keep reading for 4 more tips!!!….

We even think we have found the next bitcoin, or the next up and coming coin that if you jump in now, it could change your life forever. Now I know you are thinking, here we go, this is another scam, no, we have members around the world quitting their jobs from our newsletter because you are not going to get our information anywhere else. That is something you can bank on.

Pick The right one, and At minimum you will kill it, and change your life and your families financial future. So I can see why in the future people are going to talk about this,and study this. But as we said, its early days, and we are giving our members lots of options! To put their best feet forward … > HERE! <

Getting back to the bitcoin thing, do I think its really DEAD as in DEAD, DEAD?! 😉

Well,… According to the Bitcoin Obituaries list, bitcoin has died 15 times in 2022, and the last obituary written about bitcoin’s death was on June 18, in a recent statement that said: “Bitcoin Will Not Recover.” Interestingly, Google Trends data shows that the search phrase “bitcoin is dead,” is estimated to hit an all-time high this week.

The Old Saying ‘Bitcoin Is Dead’ Comes Back to Life

In recent times, you may have heard the phrase “bitcoin is dead,” or something similar. A great number of people truly believe that bitcoin is dead while many believe the crypto asset is the future of money. The past two weeks have been gruesome for bitcoin as prices dropped to a low of $17,593 per unit.

The ole fella BITCOIN is in the fight of its life right now….. TALLY HO!!!…

Bitcoin made its debut in 2009, the whole concept of cryptocurrency was new to even government agencies. But over the decade, central authorities have become more aware of digital tokens and the profit investors yield. Therefore, many countries are coming up with effective taxation regulations that could come into effect in the coming months or years.

In actual real life, you guys and gals must know I have been through many crypto winters, and when I look to my predictive data, this just feels like another one of those. I have people calling me on the phone each week saying bitcoin is dead, even if crypto is 20% higher on the day. So, What I am here to say is, I think digital currencies is actually the future, and BITCOIN is NOT dead,…… Do I think its going to be the main coin!? NO, Probably not… but is it going to roll over and go lower soon, YES, that is a highly likely if the fed keeps raising rates in the current global environment. We are now in an inflation fueled world, and with interest rates skyrocketing, people are going to be the mindset of wanting ot sell of their risky investments. So that is why BITCOIN is feeling the sting right now.

To say bitcoin is dead here, is probably being a little bit presumptuous. Sure I could be wrong, but I just think the rout on bitcoin going lower is NOT over. And as they say PANIC selling usually begets MORE PANIC SELLING. And people are worried about losing all their money. So do not be surprised if you see more horrible stories about how people lose houses, cars and life savings in bitcoin soon. But I do not think its dead and going to zero. In fact we go significantly lower, it might be one of those once in a year opportunistic to take advantage of. If you are game!!!? As they say. Fortune favors the brave, and still people are pissed right now. So this is NOT financial advice.

I have done well in the investing world, from not following othres, and simply doing my own thing. I am not saying I am right, I am saying most of the time I see so many people do the wrong things, and make the same mistakes over and over and over again and have the same regrets. Most of the time people watch an influencer on YouTube blurt out some silly statement and they think they because an overnight expert. Its pretty sad, because these so called “experts” Get paid to say stuff on their channel, and they never tell anyone this fact. Funny about that hey!? …. but I have been doing this stuff, and positing our prophecies for many years, and usually they come true. But I dont see BITCOIN being dead here, ….. But again, we will see if this one plays out. Time will tell.

Get our daily thoughts…. On the crypto space.

If you are a pro in investing, then try out technical analysis tools to choose the right cryptocurrency. Technical analysis involves using mathematical indicators predictive internet chatter and chart patterns to try and predict which way the prices will move next. EACH WEEK WE GIVE OUT POWERFUL TECHNICAL ANALYSIS ON CRYPTO, TO HELP OUT LONGER TERM INVESTORS!!! ITS VERY ACCURATE AS YOU CAN SEE HERE! – CLICK HERE! We have a group of highly skilled market technicians to help you beat the other normie traders and investors out there. They are monitoring the markets 24/7 so you dont have to. We take all the hard work out for you!! đŸ€‘đŸ’ČđŸ€‘

There is power what you read in here…. If you like this,……

You can watch our FREE WEBINAR HERE!!! To learn more!! => HERE

Once you find out many of our magical secrets it becomes quite addictive.

Before you go…..

Digital currencies, especially Bitcoin (BTC), is the next evolution of money. We have been talking about this many moons ago, that cryptocurrency is poised for mainstream adoption in the next several years, but we have been talking about that fact for the last 8 years, and its all starting to play out. It will disrupt many weak economies, including fiat currencies!

We are going to get more mainstream crypto adoption in or around 2023…so there is lots of time.

The arrival of digital money/currency will spur massive disruption of the world’s economy, “foreshadowed by the new shifting of planetary economical alignments.”

You might be reading this, and a skeptic, but money is a technology—and technology always disrupts, and once you get your head around this, many worlds open up for you.

No one really understands and is ready for what is coming, WITH TRUMP at the WHEEL….. An “American Revolution 2.0 will officially begin sometime in 2022.”

Biden is not the real president, and you will see the truth come out about the election fraud soon. Very soon friends. They have put in an actor to make you think he is the president, and people are starting to wake up. Blockchain is going to prove who really won the presidency, and that is WHO….TRUMP!??

If something has been nagging at you, and chewing at your mind since the lockdowns started, now you know. Now you can make the connections.

“covid” Scam, coughing, germs, paper money spread of germs, govt intervention, “LETS GO CASHLESS!”…….. ie. The boom of digital currencies.


Consider reading that last sentence again! It just made you smarter, and You now know what 99.99% Of the rest of the world does NOT know! Others are not catching on.

We have already peered into the looking glass for you, with blockchain and confirmed that this is all coming, and it feels like we are writing from the future, ahead of time, to help people open their eyes.

Crypto vs world’s economy

In the next two years, this is just the start, more growth and adoption is coming in the digital currency financial system. This includes the long-planned Chinese digital yuan, and other countries. Its not just all talk!!!!

Instead of reading last weeks news, you now know what is coming, how it affects you and what you can do about it. You can be 17 steps ahead of others, and take action, and even make a few shekels form this new found knowledge of yours!!!

As the old economic guard wrestles with the unstoppable crypto-upstarts, social protest and unrest will likely erupt among fragile economies, and now you know!!!!

We have many new students with us learning more and more each day. My clients are from all walks of life and all sorts of backgrounds.

As we said, INFORMATION is power, with great power comes great life changing experiences.

Be 17 steps ahead of others, and REAP HUGE REWARDS!

Have a great day.





cryptocurrency wallet

Top Ways To Protect Your Crypto Assets

Chip Smith, who writes and comments on the replies for the Chatterbot cryptocurrency and altcoin investment newsletter, recently published a helpful article titled “Top 3 Ways To Protect Your Crypto Assets! Do NOT MISS THIS!”.

That article is reprinted here with permission:

Top 3 Ways To Protect Your Crypto Assets! Do NOT MISS THIS!!!!!? đŸ€‘

I get sick of all the newsletters out there giving clueless advice. YUP! Why can I say this, well because we have special software that predicts events before they happen. We have done this very accurately for years now…., and I have created several millionaires just from following our daily advice! And we have PROOF to show that too. I’m not just saying it. So it might be worth to sit the F#$K down and start paying attention my friends!!

I will cut to the chase!

Knowing the ‘cryptocurrency secrets’ will help you gain good benefits in a short span of time

Some people have this vague opinion that cryptocurrency is a shortcut to wealth, but it is easy said than done. The cryptocurrency market is crowded with over 13,000 digital tokens and every month, at least 50-100 potential virtual currencies enter the market.

We just had a big crypto dip, and people are confused as to what is going to happen next!!! NOT ME….. NOT ONE BIT!! A whole lot of new investors jumped into the cryptocurrency market last year with the hope to yield from their investment.

But hold the horses for a moment. People Need to see what is going on, and need to understand the BIG GUYS do not want you to know what is going on!!!

I’m going to share 3 secrets with you below!

You know what its far too easy to lose everything. Here’s a guide to where—and how—to store digital currencies, NFTs and more.

Today I want to share some secret things to you about protecting your digital assets, including the difference between a custodial wallet and self-custody, and how to safeguard your private keys.

If you have not realized it yet! crypto is really starting to gain in popularity with everyday investors, keeping them safe takes on increased importance.

One of the obstacles to doing that, though, is that with crypto assets—such as digital currencies and NFTs—there’s nothing physical to hold onto. Often, you must depend on a code, known as a key, to gain access to your holdings, and if you lose that key, or if it’s stolen, the assets are gone.

Another issue is that scammers are actively coming up with new ways to steal crypto assets. Cryptocurrency-based crime soared to a new high last year, with scammers garnering $14 billion in total cryptocurrency value, up from $7.8 billion in 2020, according to data provider Chainalysis.

No matter how much precaution you take, there’s never a 100% guarantee your crypto assets will be safe. Still, there are several best practices that industry experts recommend.

Choose the right type of storage

There are multiple options to store crypto assets, and how you go about it depends largely on factors such as how often you trade and how much crypto you hold

One option is the custodian method. This is where companies like Coinbase Custody and Gemini are in charge of securely storing your funds, similar to how a bank keeps your money in a checking or savings account. These services are known as custodial wallets, and they take charge of your private keys—long, randomly generated passwords made up of numbers and letters—that allow crypto transactions to occur. You log in to your account with an email and password—ideally with multi factor authentication set up—and you’re good to buy, sell and trade crypto.

These custodian services charge an annual custody fee that generally runs less than 1% of the assets under custody, and there may be other fees related to account setup and withdrawals. All of these costs can eat into your profits, and there’s always the possibility that these services can be hacked or go bankrupt.

Still, custodians offer an easy entry point for beginners and those who don’t want the responsibility of having to keep track of their private keys or much more than a password.

“Ultimately, you’re trusting that third party to behave reputably,” says David L. Yermack, the Albert Fingerhut professor of finance and business transformation at the NYU Stern School of Business.

Another option is a self-custody, or noncustodial, wallet, which means there’s no third party holding your private keys. With noncustodial wallets, you’re responsible for holding on to the sensitive information used to access your crypto and for keeping it safe from prying eyes, Dr. Yermack says.

Many experts recommend storing private keys on a small piece of hardware that plugs into your computer, similar to a USB drive. Your actual holdings, meanwhile, are stored on the blockchain—where they can’t be accessed without your codes. That also means you don’t have to worry if you lose, break or damage the device.

Be aware, though, that a replacement device will let you gain access to your holdings only if you have your recovery seed—a security method used on hardware wallets that acts as a kind of master password to access your crypto. So you must be sure to safely store a copy of your seed—a string of 12 to 24 words—somewhere. Well-known hardware-wallet makers include Trezor and Ledger.

Spread out your holdings

Many experts say people who hold significant crypto assets should spread out their holdings. There’s no magic number, but the larger the holdings start to be as part of your net worth, the more you’re going to want to split them up and store the chunks in different places, says

Steve Larsen, a certified financial planner and partner at Columbia Advisory Partners in Spokane, Wash., who also teaches classes in cryptocurrency at Gonzaga University.

One method involves using two wallets: a hot wallet, which is accessible online, to be used on a day-to-day basis for spending or trading; and a cold wallet, such as a piece of hardware, which remains offline. “The hot wallet is perhaps more vulnerable to theft. So you put just enough for your predicted expenses in that one,” says Damon McCoy, associate professor of computer science and engineering at New York University’s Tandon School of Engineering. “It’s a balancing act,” he says.

HOPE THIS HELPS!….. Keep reading for 4 more tips!!!….


For those wanting to know how they can join the private newsletter then contact us for a promo code. CLICK HERE ==> CONTACT US


We even think we have found the next bitcoin, or the next up and coming coin that if you jump in now, it could change your life forever. Now I know you are thinking, here we go, this is another scam, no, we have members around the world quitting their jobs from our newsletter because you are not going to get our information anywhere else. That is something you can bank on.

Pick The right one, and At minimum you will kill it, and change your life and your families financial future. So I can see why in the future people are going to talk about this,and study this. But as we said, its early days, and we are giving our members lots of options! To put their best feet forward … > HERE! <


Safeguard your private keys

People who use self-custody for their crypto need to guard their private keys appropriately from theft and accidental loss. A popular recommendation is to write down your private keys on paper and store them in a secure place such as a fireproof safe, a safe-deposit box at a bank, or an offline computer with no Wi-Fi or internet access. And, as before, If you’ve got a hardware wallet, be sure to keep your seed phrase secure and back it up.

Don’t store this sensitive information on a computer connected to the internet, mobile phone or the cloud, where it can be susceptible to hacking, says Howard Greenberg, president of the American Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Association. Also don’t take pictures of your keys or send them over email, which can also be vulnerable to cyber thieves. “You really have to go old school,” he says.

For safekeeping, you might also consider splitting up a private key and distributing it among a few trusted individuals, though it’s advisable to have a backup plan in case one of the parts gets lost. You could also splinter your seed phrase.

“Just remember, the more complicated you make the retrieval process, the more likely you are to forget or lose something—and therefore lose access to your funds,” says Ben Weiss, chief executive and co-founder of CoinFlip, a bitcoin ATM operator.

There’s some debate among experts over whether crypto owners should use a password manager such as LastPass or KeePass, which many people use for storing passwords for all sorts of financial and online accounts. This decision can come down to personal comfort level with a particular password manager and how much crypto you hold.

“I know that there are a lot of people who do this for convenience, and if you have two-factor authentication enabled, it is seen as ‘safe enough,’ ” says Adam Morris, co-founder of Crypto Head, a platform that helps crypto users learn about the industry. “But when dealing with potentially life savings, we wouldn’t recommend it.”

Consider tougher measures

When you’re using a custodian, experts recommend sticking with multifactor authentication—meaning you need more than just a password to verify your identity and access your account.

Many services allow you to authenticate your identity by text message, but Dr. McCoy recommends a software-based authenticator such as Google Authenticator or a U2F token, a physical device that allows users to securely access online services. This avoids the problem of SIM swapping, where scammers usurp a person’s phone number to gain access to their device and accounts.

Of course, also be on the alert for familiar online scams—such as fake websites that are almost identical to legitimate ones, or seemingly safe apps—that criminals might use to get your crypto information. “Also beware of offers you see that seem too good to be true, such as ‘Send me one bitcoin, and I’ll send you two back,’ ” says Mr. Greenberg of the American Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Association. “No one is giving away free crypto,” he says.

Include plans for your crypto in your will

Make sure to have a comprehensive plan for your cryptocurrency and NFTs in your estate plan. This includes information on how to access your private keys, the kind of wallet or wallets you have and the crypto type, says Sharon Hartung, founder of Your Digital Undertaker, a consultant on digital assets in estate planning.

It’s not a good idea, however, to include the actual private keys in your will. A will becomes public through the probate process, which puts your assets at risk, says Mr. Larsen, the certified financial planner.

In conclusion, there is never a simple one fits all solution. But The more you keep things simple and safe the better off you will be. Hopefully this has helped you!

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World Events And Newsletter Discount

Chip from the Chatterbot crypto newsletter was asked to continue the Black Friday / Cyber Monday discount for the VIP members area for a few more days. He decided to do so, and he also made a podcast detailing the benefits of the newsletter as well as current (and future) world events.

Listen to Chip’s current assessments here:

If you are interested in the newsletter discount then contact us (click here) or you are welcome to read more from Chip below:

Hi guys, I am sitting here sipping My fine ass whiskey, and sucking back on a cigar near the pool, Life is good! 😎 and you thought I forgot about you didnt You!?

Well think again, I just uploaded a special little treat for you!!!! ….YUP!  * See below * 


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Altcoin Investment Newsletter Podcast – November 18, 2021

The video on this page is Chip Smith’s most recent podcast (from November 18, 2021) in video format (also found on the YouTube channel here) about cryptocurrency, blockchain, the stock market and more. In this podcast he goes into the tips he recommends for anyone who wants to become a digital asset / online millionaire, whether or not you do so in the form of cryptocurrency investing.

If you like his thoughts, especially if you implement them and notice a positive difference in the upcoming weeks, then you are welcome to contact us (click here) to get more information on the benefits and subscription levels to Chip’s Chatterbot private newsletter and VIP members’ area where you can ask questions, leave comments and get answers from Chip & others in the VIP community.

Testimonials about the Chatterbot newsletter can be found here: Testimonials and Reviews

Altcoin Investment Newsletter Podcast – November 14, 2021

The video on this page is Chip Smith’s most recent podcast (from November 14, 2021) in video format (also found on the YouTube channel here) about cryptocurrency, blockchain, the stock market and more. In this podcast he goes into the tips he recommends for anyone who wants to become a digital asset / online millionaire, whether or not you do so in the form of cryptocurrency investing.

If you like his thoughts, especially if you implement them and notice a positive difference in the upcoming weeks, then you are welcome to contact us (click here) to get more information on the benefits and subscription levels to Chip’s Chatterbot private newsletter and VIP members’ area where you can ask questions, leave comments and get answers from Chip & others in the VIP community.

Testimonials about the Chatterbot newsletter can be found here: Testimonials and Reviews

crypto tips to become an online millionaire

Altcoin Investment Newsletter Podcast – October 14, 2021

The video on this page is Chip Smith’s most recent podcast (from October 14, 2021) in video format (also found on the YouTube channel here) about cryptocurrency, blockchain, the stock market and more. In this podcast he goes into the tips he recommends for anyone who wants to become a digital asset / online millionaire, whether or not you do so in the form of cryptocurrency investing.

If you like his thoughts, especially if you implement them and notice a positive difference in the upcoming weeks, then you are welcome to contact us (click here) to get more information on the benefits and subscription levels to Chip’s Chatterbot private newsletter and VIP members’ area where you can ask questions, leave comments and get answers from Chip & others in the VIP community.

Testimonials about the Chatterbot newsletter can be found here: Testimonials and Reviews

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Be The Best, **** The Rest

While the title of this post may raise eyebrows for some of you, it is the title of the October 6, 2021 newsletter update from Chip inside the Chatterbot VIP members’ area. Since many people are experiencing some emotional challenges in recent months due to world events, we found Chip’s update – and his follow up replies to other Chatterbot members – to be helpful and timely.

If you wish to join the Chatterbot newsletter, then contact us (click here) and we will get you more information about the VIP newsletter. Should you join then you might find one (or more) of the topics in that post to help you in case you, too, are experiencing some emotional distress due to world happenings.

In just a few paragraphs he gives several actionable things you can do to shift your mind in the right direction to attract more wealth as well as break free from many of the challenges that you see people around you experiencing. This post is just one of many newsletter updates he gives which have helped other VIP members grow and develop quickly to embrace successes in the changing world.

Altcoin Investment Newsletter Podcast – September 19 2021

The video on this page is Chip Smith’s most recent podcast video (also found on the YouTube channel here) about cryptocurrency, blockchain, the stock market and more.

If you like his thoughts at the time and how they played out in the ensuing weeks then you are welcome to contact us (click here) to get more information on the benefits and subscription levels to Chip’s Chatterbot private newsletter and VIP members’ area where you can ask questions, leave comments and get answers from Chip & others in the VIP community.

Altcoin Investment Newsletter Podcast – August 24 2021

The video on this page is Chip Smith’s most recent podcast video (also found on the YouTube channel here) about cryptocurrency, blockchain, the stock market and more.

If you like his thoughts at the time and how they played out in the ensuing weeks then you are welcome to contact us (click here) to get more information on the benefits and subscription levels to Chip’s Chatterbot private newsletter and VIP members’ area where you can ask questions, leave comments and get answers from Chip & others in the VIP community.