Category Archive : cryptocurrency

They Asked Me If I Am A Time Traveler!

This post is reprinted with permission from the original author.

If you are ready to contact us for a promo code to the VIP area of the Chatterbot newsletter & online community (run by Chip Smith) then contact us here:


These tweets are funny, but I am very grateful. .. I never know how to seriously take them. I am human you know, with flaws. I am not from the future. But weirdly I would like to be. LOL. HAHA!!!!….


Even as a Youngster I knew I would never win the lottery, ?

Or perhaps I did. With the stuff I am learning and the data I am sharing. I have been lucky In my life………. Very lucky.

I was always interested in the future when I was young, But I knew I would never be able to time travel. BUMMER right?

But the future always was in the back of my mind, and I always thought ” if I can go to the future, or Hack the future surely then I can win” ….. it was always on my mind

fast forward to today after many tries, and lots of failures, here we are.

I love to think I hack the future, but really all I have is a very smart team, and words, and powerful tools that I use all day at my disposal. I am guessing with blockchain and AI here now, it will make it much easier, but I have failed at using them, because it’s too early in the LINGUISTICS race….to get future data……

There is NO newsletter like ours here. NONE. I have searched.

While I have had very smart people teach me about the GLOBAL markets, and the stockmarket. People who are much smarter than me. I have had very good mentors that probably thought I was a crazy kid with a stupid dream…..

They had to listen to me, and why I was doing this. But Im sure they are proud of me today. I have matured, and come so far.

I know get to share all that with you, and we use LINGUISTICS and mix that with charts, and all the rest to try and predict the stockmarket and crypto markets, and I write this newsletter and we get to profit.

CRAZY right, or is this just the best way to do it? you know, like have a cheat sheet, while others are guessing.

I think that is a smart way to do it, but that is just me I guess…..

Somedays I feel like the hero, and other days a struggling villain with a bottle of whiskey in my hand. LOL.

Sometimes and some days are better than others….. but Alas, I continue on my journey and try to do my best…..

NO I am not a time traveler, SORRY TO DISSAPOINT…. but I like to have fun with it. Because I can make money but I love to use laws of attraction to make me think and feel and do things, that others cannot. The mind is very powerful. But people use it the wrong way and their self talk is terrible. You can literally talk yourself into HAVE A CRAP day! yes. its true.

But I must tell you, I do find it funny that a left winged dud AI program, is positive about me, and do NOT bag me, so I will take that one. LOL.

CHAT GPT is going broke too. I am not sure what to think of it, and its fails all the boxes when I worked with it for 3 days straight. I was like ” Ummmmm what the hell is this thing….it’s centralised right winged crap! “

But then again, people are falling for it, and people are learning how to use CHAT GPT, because if you know what and how to ask it things, then you can get good answers, I mean really good.

But this is my world, I would rate the whole thing about a 3 out of 10. It’s probably good for cheating on UNIVERSITY exams and stuff. LOL. I dunno. I stopped using it after about a week. But that is just me, CHAT GPT does have good uses, in the grand scheme of things if you are an entrepreneur ….

Anyway, enough about AI…… I do truely have a good heart and I am here to help people on their life journey and help them make a buck or two in this crazy ass world….because it is a crazy world. People get so caught up I the day to day stuff, they dont realize they have been put here for a reason. Going to work, and driving your car home is NOT your life mission. You will get to a stage, where you ask, ” why am I here, and what do I need to do?”

If you get to that state or that stage of life, then you are smarter than you realize.

if you ask, IS THIS ALL THERE IS, surely there must be more. ?? then if you ask that, that shows me just how intelligent you are as a human.

If I can give you guys and gals a bit of sanity and help you make some money in this world, then my job is done and I would be satisfied. Then my job here is done. I like all chatterbotians, no matter who you are and where you have come from. I understand all angles, because I have gone through so much.

You might not like how I write in here some days, or you might not agree with me on the thigns I say. But that is ok ….. at the end of the day I am sharing data, and trying to help people, and that is why I am here.

God gave me purpose.

God has a purpose.

People can say what they want about me, but it’s all hogwash.

I am literally only as good as my last trick in here. And so That makes me want to be better, and continue to help.

I know what matters, you know what matters, and you are all here for a reason.

When I started all this I wanted to help. Nothing else. People got RICH in the process. But since then, I get to share with you what matters, and the future events coming so you are ahead of others. That is what is most important to me, when I get up in the morning.

When people are asleep in their warm bed, I was up working at 2am to get where I am today.

No one can take that away from me. I am here for you, and I made a promise, if you guys support me, I will support you. We just saved a guy from getting evicted from his house. So if that is NOT enough evidence, that we are saving families from getting tossed out on the street.

Read that again.

I dont have to name drop or big note here,, This is only all possible because of YOU!

CHATTERBOTIANS have proved to me, they are GOLDEN.

YES! we make a difference….and can take this further. We create the future. WE CAN MAKE FUTURE happen.

I really wish I can say I can go in the future and come back with all that news, and all the prices. But if that was true, do you think I would be writing this to you are midnight on a THURSDAY night.

If I was able to go into the future, and give you everything for FREE and 100% accurate, then I would not be here. I would be off on some island somewhere enjoying life. But I am grateful that I cannot time travel….. but I have the next best thing…. and it makes me work harder and Makes this is my life goal and my life work.

I had a dream, and its all coming true.

It means that if you have a DREAM dont let idiots out there take it away from you. If you have a crazy dream, and if it’s deep seated in your heart, and you cannot get rid of that nagging you, then keep chasing it, and it will come true. It REALLY will. The harder you work at you dream the faster it will come. ITS NEVER TOO LATE!

We are at a specific time in history and I feel people dont see it and dont see the HUGE opportunity staring at them right in the face. I mean, some things coming so big, you can quit your job and live off of it.

so BIG yes.

If people dont see this. That is their loss, and back down here, we are underground and we continue to have fun, and learn, and keep doing what chatterbotians DO. WE FLOURISH, you knock us down, we get right back up again.

that is who we are, This is what we do …..

We win, and then we win some more. Even when we lose, it’s a lesson for a future win. At least that is how I see it.

This is about making money yes, but life is not about making money. Life I have learnt is about loving people who support you, giving and receiving and finding out why god put you here.


You receive yes, but If you want to have the best day, go and give $1o0 to a stranger, or go and shout the 3 people In front of you a free coffee from your own credit card. It will make your day, and theirs.

There is NOT enough good in this world.

its hard for some, but eventually your life on earth gets much easier when you know WHY YOU ARE here, and what you have to do!

when you find your life purpose that is what makes your every day much easy to do. From the moment you wake up, you feel alive and fresh and you crush it.

I love waking up people, I love waking up people to this. To find their true passion and purpose in life. Because so many people are asleep. But there is a stirring my friends, like never before and you are going to see some incredible things in your life. If this newsletter closed down tomorrow…. All I want you to know is to YOU MUST DO YOUR BEST, and NEVER GIVE UP. NEVER!!!





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HOPE THIS HELPS!….. Keep reading!!!….


We even think we have found the next bitcoin, or the next up and coming coin that if you jump in now, it could change your life forever. Now I know you are thinking, here we go, this is another scam, no, we have members around the world quitting their jobs from our newsletter because you are not going to get our information anywhere else. That is something you can bank on.

Pick The right one, and At minimum you will kill it, and change your life and your families financial future. So I can see why in the future people are going to talk about this,and study this. But as we said, its early days, and we are giving our members lots of options! To put their best feet forward … > HERE! <

I mean, I can be wrong, but we are doing about 21 hours research per day with all this. So its fresh on my mind everyday as we watch the crypto market twist, turn, rocket up and come crashing back to earth. There are going to be lots of opportunities for lots of us in 2024.

Remember there are no promises with all of this. I can be wrong, but each time I sit back and listen to our bots and predictive linguistics we have running each week, its always shocked me with its accuracy, I have to do that!.

I have shared a few things here with you today, to make you start thinking…. but I think this is one of the most important articles I have written, because if you actually start taking action on some of this information, it could literally change your life. The only thing is 95% of people are too lazy and just caught up in life and their dreary day to day jobs!!!

Each day I am blessed to think what I am doing for people in the crypto community. But realistically Im just trying to make them think more, and you as well. The possibility of this whole blockchain stuff is endless, and I bet there is some kid sitting in his room dreaming about it today, and learning about it and they do not know they will become the next Blockchain billionaire!

Its very powerful when you tap into this concept! So I will leave you with that here, to ponder on!!

There is power what you read in here….

You can watch our FREE WEBINAR HERE!!! To learn more!! =>

Once you find out many of our magical secrets it becomes quite addictive.

Before you go….. Don’t forget to check out 1000’s of people around the world our joining our accurate newsletter. You will NOT regret it, as people are already starting to NOT TRUST the banks ,and it’s going to get a lot worse for the banks soon. So you might want to get ahead of those problems.

Have a great day.



For those wanting to know how they can upgrade their membership you can CLICK HERE

blockchain graphical representation

10 cryptocurrency secrets from a well known millionaire!!!? ๐Ÿค‘

This post is reprinted with permission from the original author.

If you are ready to contact us for a promo code to the VIP area of the Chatterbot newsletter & online community (run by Chip Smith) then contact us here:

I get sick of all the newsletters out there giving clueless advice. YUP! Why can I say this, well because we have special software that predicts events before they happen.

We have done this very accurately for years now…., and I have created several millionaires just from following our daily advice! And we have PROOF to show that too.

I’m not just saying it. So it might be worth to sit the F#$K down and start paying attention my friends!!

People seem to think that millionaires come easy. That is a myth, as I have done well over the years, my friends who are millionaires all have their story and all have seen horrific times and all have faced adversity and overcome lots of struggles.

What I have noticed about crypto millionaires is that they are kind, and they are patient. They understand that you cannot just get rich overnight and expect to ride lambs into the sunset with a hot blonde one week later. That is NOT what this is about.

In fact just like we have said over the years inside OUR NEWSLETTER HERE – We have created several millionaires who listened to our specific data, and formulated a plan were lucky enough to reach not only happiness, but financial security as well.

These people understand that it takes time, dedication and you have to make sacrifices to get to the top of you game, and what you do. I know you are sitting in your seat and think I am going to give you some $10,000 secret, and yes that is true, but what I want you to realize is that if you want to get better in life, and in your finances you have to do things other people are NOT prepared to do.

Right now the crypto spaced is in the midst of a bear market. We can go lower, and while that could be the case, I am not guaranteeing you anything. I just wanna share with you 10 simple secrets that Crypto millionaires have known all along and maybe it can help you on your crypto journey as we go into 2024…..and beyond. You might want pull up a beer and a pen and paper and take a few notes if you feel the need.


I’m going to share 10 Crypto secrets with you below!

1. Be Prepared volatility its WILD!

People have already probably told you how wild cryptos are. That is right, but this stuff can be widow makers. As virtual trading occurs on various cryptocurrency exchanges rather than a central exchange that indeed leads to an increase in the volatility rate. This is one of the cryptocurrency secrets that you must know before entering the crypto market.

2. Crypto coins have no backing, and solid fundamentals.

People actually think that crypto is NOT the future. That is what fake news will tell you every night. That is NOT the case. While there are many uses and you might not think the 2020 elections were stolen, blockchain was used and watermark ballots in the process, and our bots already think you will see common knowledge of this in the future. That Trump actually did win 2020 whether you like that or not. That is the truth and we will see evident of this in the future. Watch the Brunson case, and military courts. They secretly use blockchain and biden will be gone soon. That is the technology behind crypto, blockchain but I will make it clear that valuing cryptocurrencies in a traditional sense is more difficult even if you are not a full-time cryptocurrency investor and is doing it on the sidelines for profit, you need to keep a constant tab on the price swings. Although a 24/7 observation is not needed, checking them at constant intervals is a good thing. The more complicated your investing strategy becomes, the more you should review it. While this might seem to be a thing for short-term investors, long-run investors can also follow these criteria to keep a healthy investment.

3. There are over 10,000 coins on the blockchain.

I remember when there was only three coins to choose from many years ago. Right now, The crypto market has more than 11,000 cryptocurrencies but of all, Bitcoin is the true king of the market. BTC is the first tradable cryptocurrency that has been brought to the market and currently tops the list in the market. This is one of the cryptocurrency secrets that you must know. It’s a lot harder to choose coins, that is why we do what we do. We let our Software drive our choices. And we have been very accurate….. ==> VERY VERY ACCURATE.

4. You have to look deep for blockchain value.

People make many mistakes when it comes to this aspect. Blockchain technology is something that is the infrastructure on which the top cryptocurrencies are founded. Blockchain tech is a digital and decentralized ledger that can record payments and transfer transactions safely and effectively. It is also a top-secret of crypto.

5. Miners are a good place to start.

Bitcoin mining is a very mathematical way for sorting algorithms in the blockchain. It sounds very complicated but it most certainly is not. So, for this reason, the whole job of cryptocurrency miners comes into place. Crypto mining uses high-powered computers to solve complicated mathematical equations on a competitive basis to verify and log transactions. And this is why the graphic-card hardware needs of miners have increased the sales of NVIDIA and Advanced Micro Devices too. This is one of the cryptocurrency secrets that you must know before entering the crypto market. Learning. about crypto mining will give you a head start in this race.

HOPE THIS HELPS!….. Keep reading for 5 more tips!!!….


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We even think we have found the next bitcoin, or the next up and coming coin that if you jump in now, it could change your life forever. Now I know you are thinking, here we go, this is another scam, no, we have members around the world quitting their jobs from our newsletter because you are not going to get our information anywhere else. That is something you can bank on.

Pick The right one, and At minimum you will kill it, and change your life and your families financial future. So I can see why in the future people are going to talk about this,and study this. But as we said, its early days, and we are giving our members lots of options! To put their best feet forward .

6. Cryptocurrencies is about decentralisation.

This is called the next internet, or Web 2.0 or even Web 3.0. Things are moving fast don’t you think. There is no central hub where the information is stored and there is also no major data center where cybercriminals can attack and gain control over it. Because of this safety, blockchain becomes a great secure technology to make huge transactions too.

7. There are magnificent advantages.

We can talk about decentralisation, but not only that. Blockchain these days is super fast, and does not take days now, it takes minutes. There are many advantages such as being quicker than that of traditional banking, and doing transactions without any middleman saving costs too. Additionally, blockchain also offers user control and transparency. This is one of the cryptocurrency secrets that you must know before entering the crypto market. When putting my profits from a stable coins to my bank. That use to take a few days, now it literally takes a few seconds. No kidding, it’s faster than any bank I have used, and so this is the future, and pushing money back and forth is very easy and very fast these days.

8. Blockchain is NOT perfect. Key to note.

I know I keep talking up this whole crypto thing along with blockchain. Apologies, because I need to give both sides of the argument here, I feel. That is the fair thing to do. What you must realize is that blockchain is a nascent technology thatโ€™s still being developed, and it can sometimes lead to slow transaction speed or verification slowdowns that are critical too. There are also issues about integrating this new technology into the fold too. There are good days and bad days, and there are still lots of problems being sorted. So you must keep that into account if you are willing to get your feet wet in all things blockchain.

9. Not Everyone Likes Cryptocurrencies.

I have lost money in blockchain and so have millionaires. While you might hear lots of the good stories and hearing people get rich overnight, there is also the darker side to crypto that I must tell you about. I need to be honest with you here. Because buying and holding digital currencies may not be suitable for all. Some may also like to go with the traditional currencies themselves. This is one of the cryptocurrency secrets that you must know before entering the crypto market. It’s very risky, and it’s not a place where you should e putting your rent money or your grocery money. I have heard horror stories, and you should only invest money you can afford to lose. Crypto gets a lot of negative media attention and they only focus on the bad side of things and blurt horror stories to you each week. It’s not a game for everyone, but if you know what you are doing, and do lots of research you can make a real go of thigns. But if you are wanting to make $30,000 by next week, this is NOT the game for you. You might be better off going to the Las Vegas and putting some bingo buttons or trying your luck at the roulette table. I am NOT saying crypto is all bad, but you have to watch out for sharks, and you have to ensure you know of the risks before you get into the game, because I would not like for you to jump in this space and lose lots of money. I only want to see people succeed, and so that is why I am being open and honest with you here. Just like with anything new online there is going to be really good points, and there are going to be downside. So just ensure you know all the risks before you go jumping in and putting your lifesavings in bitcoin. That might end up in disaster if you are NOT careful.

10. Try Out Technical Analysis

if you are not confident with crypto or picking the wrong coins, then try out technical analysis tools to choose the right cryptocurrency. Technical analysis involves using mathematical indicators and chart patterns to try and predict which way the process will move next. EACH WEEK WE GIVE OUT POWERFUL TECHNICAL ANALYSIS ON CRYPTO, TO HELP OUT LONGER TERM INVESTORS!!! ITS VERY ACCURATE AS YOU CAN SEE HERE! – CLICK HERE! We have a group of highly skilled market technicians to help you beat the other normie traders and investors out there. They are monitoring the markets 24/7 so you dont have to. We take all the hard work out for you!! ๐Ÿค‘๐Ÿ’ฒ๐Ÿค‘

There is power what you read in here…. If you like this,……

You can watch our FREE WEBINAR HERE!!! To learn more!! =>

Once you find out many of our magical secrets it becomes quite addictive.

Before you go…..

Digital currencies, especially Bitcoin (BTC), is the next evolution of money. We have been talking about this many moons ago, that cryptocurrency is poised for mainstream adoption in the next several years, but we have been talking about that fact for the last 8 years, and its all starting to play out. It will disrupt many weak economies, including fiat currencies!

We are going to get more mainstream crypto adoption in or around 2024…so there is lots of time.

The arrival of digital money/currency will spur massive disruption of the worldโ€™s economy, โ€œforeshadowed by the new shifting of planetary economical alignments.โ€

You might be reading this, and a skeptic, but money is a technologyโ€”and technology always disrupts, and once you get your head around this, many worlds open up for you.

No one really understands and is ready for what is coming, WITH TRUMP at the WHEEL….. An โ€œAmerican Revolution 2.0 will officially begin sometime in 2022.โ€

Biden is not the real president, and you will see the truth come out about the election fraud soon. Very soon friends. They have put in an actor to make you think he is the president, and people are starting to wake up. Blockchain is going to prove who really won the presidency, and that is WHO….TRUMP!??

If something has been nagging at you, and chewing at your mind since the lockdowns started, now you know. Now you can make the connections.

“covid” Scam, coughing, germs, paper money spread of germs, govt intervention, “LETS GO CASHLESS!”…….. ie. The boom of digital currencies.


Consider reading that last sentence again! It just made you smarter, and You now know what 99.99% Of the rest of the world does NOT know! Others are not catching on.

We have already peered into the looking glass for you, with blockchain and confirmed that this is all coming, and it feels like we are writing from the future, ahead of time, to help people open their eyes.

Crypto vs worldโ€™s economy

In the next two years, this is just the start, more growth and adoption is coming in the digital currency financial system. This includes the long-planned Chinese digital yuan, and other countries. Its not just all talk!!!!

Instead of reading last weeks news, you now know what is coming, how it affects you and what you can do about it. You can be 17 steps ahead of others, and take action, and even make a few shekels form this new found knowledge of yours!!!

As the old economic guard wrestles with the unstoppable crypto-upstarts, social protest and unrest will likely erupt among fragile economies, and now you know!!!!

We have many new students with us learning more and more each day. My clients are from all walks of life and all sorts of backgrounds.

As we said, INFORMATION is power, with great power comes great life changing experiences.

Be 17 steps ahead of others, and REAP HUGE REWARDS!

Have a great day.



For those wanting to know how they can upgrade their membership you can CLICK HERE ==>

bitcoin coins in stack with black background

This could be the next turning point for bitcoin and crypto!?

The following article is posted with permission from Chip and the Chatterbot newsletter.

Its almost APRIL 2023 and time flies right. Can you fathom how fast time is going. WOW! right, and more people waking up! Lets face it the future of the banking system is at risk and people are slowly asking how safe it is to even have your money in the banks.

Its a complicated topic and since I heard that crypto was a scam, now people are starting to actually thinking that having money in their banks a scam.

Oh, fancy that. Its a weird ass world alright. Bitcoin rallied this last week on bank stress and the leading censorship on a digital world of bankless coins. i.e. Crypto! You are now starting to open your eyes as to why we started this newsletter in the first place, because our bots were actually hinting these events were coming somewhere in the future, but it was just meant to happen later on.

But if this is bitcoins cypress moment, the context is very different to 2013. That is for sure. With crypto embedded in the minds of most people very negatively it suddenly faces its biggest test. One that is going to have a gun duel with the financial establishment.

If we talk this as echos of 2008 and 2009, the crypto community has a hard task trying to convince people about how some of our members got rich by by joining us several years back. And listening to our predictive linguistics when many people were skeptical. Others dove in, and made off like bandits!!!


HOPE THIS HELPS!….. Keep reading!!!….


For those wanting to know how they can upgrage their membership you can CLICK HERE ==>


the 2008 crisis highlighted the banking drama and the how the currency plumbing had huge problems, that many were starting to see.

Them massive losses on svb which had made the fatal error of not hedging its interest rate risk now as fear spreads to smaller Regional banks depositors have fled on mass into wall street’s too big to fail institutions. This is making them even bigger to an unprecedented degree that will position an elite group of Bankers as Gatekeepers of our economy a centralizing power that’s already showing signs of overreach crypto as the bad guy bitcoin’s raison Detra has always been that in removing intermediaries from payments and hard-coding monetary policy into a predictable issue and schedule it offers an alternative to the centralized model of Fiat Sovereign currency run by central banks in coordination with private Banks.

The entrenched vulnerabilities exposed by this past week’s events at first blush

however the news hasn’t been good for Bitcoin and the rest of the crypto Community silvergate Bank the first of a trio to collapse was brought down in part by its heavy exposure to failing crypto firms. That encouraged anti-crypto politicians like U.S Senator Elizabeth

Warren to call for tough measures against the industry helping feed a guilt by association impact on SVB.

Although that bank’s actual exposure to crypto was proportionally quite low with authorities last weekend also shuttering Signature Bank another crypto favorite the government is either intentionally or indirectly using its relationship with these gatekeeping financial institutions to squeeze the industry crypto companies that previously banked with one or more of these three shuttered institutions.

Bank compliance officers as they desperately try to open alternative accounts although the New York Department of Financial Services said signature’s closure had nothing to

do with crypto and was instead triggered by a ” crisis of confidence ” in its leadership people are scratching their heads over why a supposedly solvent Bank was shut down.

Former U.S representative Barney Frank now a board member at signature speculated in a New York Magazine interview that the New York Financial regulator had made the bank quote a poster child to say stay away from crypto. Then, later Reuters reported the FDIC as insisting that any prospective buyer will have to give up on signature’s crypto business the regulator later denied that report here cutting into crypto business leading many to think that there was actually if not an explicit prohibition against buying the crypto business certainly some pressure not to all right back to the piece blacklisting a legal industry in this way is an abuse of power.

Bitcoin seems to be made for this moment if people continue to lose confidence in bank’s ability to keep their money safe The Narrative around Bitcoin self-custody model will only get stronger I think. Its appeal will be further enhanced If the Fed is forced to reverse course and cut interest rates which could weaken the dollar that Prospect. That grew stronger last Thursday with news of an unexpected softening in U.S inflation I see all this playing out in a complicated multifaceted Clash of power one that ultimately compels governments to accelerate the implementation of new regulatory Frameworks for the coming era of digital money.

So on one level the bank failures underscore the need to divorce payments from crisis-prone fractional Reserve banking precisely the solution for which fully reserved stable coins are designed given the usdc’s stablecoin hiccups this past week the argument will grow for requiring stable coin issuers to hold banking licenses with access to the fed’s discount window rather than storing their Reserves at a third party traditional Bank.

I feel that when we talk about money as a whole it is a Confidence Game a matter of faith and trust among the population that uses it it’s likely confidence in governments and their

banking Partners will Wane in the aftermath of this banking crisis. Crypto is for now dealing with an even bigger mistrust problem as this battle to redefine money unfolds it’s incumbent on members of the crypto Community to engage in behavior that breeds confidence. So if they can achieve that the future is theirs all right so that’s consensus is the industry’s only event bringing together all sides of crypto web 3 and the metaverse immerse yourself in all that blockchain technology that you can get your hands on, that is what I think. But then again I can be wrong, and it does not actually mean crypto and block chain is the immediate future, because there are many complexities to the situation we are seeing. Especially with the banks in more tension this week.

I’ve maintained that narrative matters a lot when it comes to the price of assets if you don’t believe me you could ask Fed chair Jerome Powell who said that quote people’s expectations of inflation have a real effect on inflation. So what happened to The Narrative to lead to this type of aggressive 35 trough to Peak change it’s simple really A lot happened on one hand the bank failures given bitcoin’s history the bank failure adjacency is obvious here at least three banks have failed others both American and non-american are failing because it’s not because of Bitcoin ….. its due to so many other problems that people do not actually want to talk about around the table and discuss.

Bitcoin’s market capitalization compared to the rest of the cryptocurrency market which reached a nine month high at 45.5 percent on Wednesday so in all their systemic global bank risks stable coins and crypto proved they needed those Banks to be stable.

The general lanx the Federal Reserve may be pulling back on rate hikes all that has added up to bitcoin when swinging up massively over the last week if that continues is anybody’s guess to be sure uncertainty is never cause for celebration because of its potential negative consequences on people’s lives but for the time being Bitcoin with its fixed issuance at a time of monetary expansion.

This Bitcoin narrative coalescing around it being a desirable asset in the context of bank

failures matters less about whether it was the thing that actually started this rally which again as I’ve said before might easily have been that binance bidding. Now what matters more about it is that it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy in the middle of this week we

started to see Publications pick up on this narrative it wasn’t just crypto there were fake news running numbers and talking pure bullshit to take the shine away from bitcoin and crypto, which I think is wrong, but then again that is the norm these days and crypto traders base their daily action on news that is coming from writers who are told what to write, and its pure garbage and nonsense most of the time.

Yahoo finance it was Publications like that saying Bitcoin is thriving amidst Bank turmoil the more headlines people see like that the more it becomes the reason that new people start to nibble in or old people who had written the industry off come back. So in some

all that momentum going on like I said ball rolling down the hill what matters is the extent to which the narrative gives it momentum to keep going .I’m not ready to say that we’ve got

all that momentum going on like right now and its early in the week before even the next fomc meeting so I don’t know what happened to bitcoin’s price by the end of the week but I do think that the seeds of a new narrative are clearly forming and I think it’s unlikely to

stop anytime soon anyways guys, that’s the look from here and Im sure if more people lose money in the banks, you are going to hear the word bitcoin and crypto hot on the lips of those people who keep getting burned by a system of bankers only in it to help fund their lavish lifestyles and nefarious interests. The same as it ever was I guess. People one day might start opening their minds and finally start looking for something new. That is it for now, I appreciate you reading today, and hope this helps.


We even think we have found the next bitcoin, or the next up and coming coin that if you jump in now, it could change your life forever. Now I know you are thinking, here we go, this is another scam, no, we have members around the world quitting their jobs from our newsletter because you are not going to get our information anywhere else. That is something you can bank on.

Pick The right one, and At minimum you will kill it, and change your life and your families financial future. So I can see why in the future people are going to talk about this,and study this. But as we said, its early days, and we are giving our members lots of options! To put their best feet forward … > HERE! <

I mean, I can be wrong, but we are doing about 21 hours research per day with all this. So its fresh on my mind everyday as we watch the crypto market twist, turn, rocket up and come crashing back to earth. There are going to be lots of opportunities for lots of us in 2021.

Remember there are no promises with all of this. I can be wrong, but each time I sit back and

listen to our bots and predictive linguistics we have running each week, its always shocked me with its accuracy, I have to do that!.

I have shared a few things here with you today, to make you start thinking…. but I think this is one of the most important articles I have written, because if you actually start taking action on some of this information, it could literally change your life. The only thing is 95% of people are too lazy and just caught up in life and their dreary day to day jobs!!!

Each day I am blessed to think what I am doing for people in the crypto community. But realistically Im just trying to make them think more, and you as well. The possibility of this whole blockchain stuff is endless, and I bet there is some kid sitting in his room dreaming about it today, and learning about it and they do not know they will become the next Blockchain billionaire!

Its very powerful when you tap into this concept! So I will leave you with that here, to ponder on!!

There is power what you read in here….

You can watch our FREE WEBINAR HERE!!! To learn more!! =>

Once you find out many of our magical secrets it becomes quite addictive.

Before you go…..

Digital currencies, especially Bitcoin (BTC), is the next evolution of money. We have been talking about this many moons ago, that cryptocurrency is poised for mainstream adoption in the next two years, but we have been talking about that fact for the last 8 years, and its all starting to play out. It will disrupt many weak economies, including fiat currencies!

We are going to get more mainstream crypto adoption in or around 2022…so there is lots of time.

The arrival of digital money/currency will spur massive disruption of the worldโ€™s economy, โ€œforeshadowed by the new shifting of planetary economical alignments.โ€

You might be reading this, and a skeptic, but money is a technologyโ€”and technology always disrupts, and once you get your head around this, many worlds open up for you.

No one really understands and is ready for what is coming, WITH TRUMP at the WHEEL….. An โ€œAmerican Revolution 2.0 will officially begin sometime in 2022.โ€

Biden is not the real president, and you will see the truth come out about the election fraud soon. Very soon friends. They have put in an actor to make you think he is the president, and people are starting to wake up. Blockchain is going to prove who really won the presidency, and that is WHO….TRUMP!??

If something has been nagging at you, and chewing at your mind since the lockdowns started, now you know. Now you can make the connections.

“covid” Scam, coughing, germs, paper money spread of germs, govt intervention, “LETS GO CASHLESS!”…….. ie. The boom of digital currencies.


Consider reading that last sentence again! It just made you smarter, and You now know what 99.99% Of the rest of the world does NOT know! Others are not catching on.

We have already peered into the looking glass for you, with blockchain and confirmed that this is all coming, and it feels like we are writing from the future, ahead of time, to help people open their eyes.

Crypto vs worldโ€™s economy

In the next two years, this is just the start, more growth and adoption is coming in the digital currency financial system. This includes the long-planned Chinese digital yuan, and other countries. Its not just all talk!!!!

Instead of reading last weeks news, you now know what is coming, how it affects you and what you can do about it. You can be 17 steps ahead of others, and take action, and even make a few shekels form this new found knowledge of yours!!!

As the old economic guard wrestles with the unstoppable crypto-upstarts, social protest and unrest will likely erupt among fragile economies, and now you know!!!!

We have many new students with us learning more and more each day. My clients are from all walks of life and all sorts of backgrounds.

As we said, INFORMATION is power, with great power comes great life changing experiences.

Be 17 steps ahead of others, and REAP HUGE REWARDS!

Have a great day.



For those wanting to know how they can upgrade their membership you can CLICK HERE

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Podcast Archive โ€“ Chipโ€™s Predictions From January 17, 2021

Many people have wanted to know how accurate the Chatterbot newsletter has been before investing into the VIP private members area. One thing which may help you decide is to listen to Chip’s public podcasts from previous posting dates; and then you can determine how accurate his predictions were from the time of the posting.

This post will provide you the link to his podcast, and the embed of his podcast – so that you may listen to it on this site, which was published on this date:

DATE: January 17, 2021 – “Crypto psychic – we went viral”

LINK: Click Here


In order to help you save time you also can find the podcast audio transcript below this section. If you prefer to read or scan a podcast’s content, instead of listening to it, then we hope that this offers you some benefit. Due to the translation software we can’t guarantee 100% accuracy so you are welcome to listen to the podcast in order to ensure accuracy of what Chip said at the time.

Once you like what Chip offered and believe that his predictive linguistics model is valuable to you, then contact us by clicking the button below and contacting us. We can offer you a promo code to get access to the VIP private members area for the Chatterbot crypto and altcoin investment newsletter. Thank you and we look forward to hearing from you soon!


Hey guys, what’s up chip here, welcome to the chatter bot newsletter podcast radio series. I’m your host, Chip Smith from Australia. We are blockchain linguistic data experts, we do what’s called linguistic analysis, we put apps and daps, we set them in the blockchain. And we spread that across the Internet to try and work out and find out and try to predict future events that may occur. So we’ve had a lot of very interesting feedback. And there’s been a lot of talk on Twitter, I’ve had a lot of people I know there’s a lot of people getting banned on Twitter, I’m just grateful, grateful to God that haven’t been knocked off there. I don’t understand why we haven’t been knocked off there. But I’m very grateful that we haven’t there’s been a lot of, I mean, we lost about 8000 Twitter followers. And this just go as big tech is just out of control. These guys want, you know, crypto to fail, they want, you know, Bitcoin to fail, they want Trump to fail. And it’s just crazy to see. So it’s no wonder that what’s happening in, in and around the world right now, that more people are trusting businesses like myself, rather than big tech, or these big companies, these big conglomerates or fake news media. And so I think that’s going to be a trend going into the future that a lot of people are just going to trust businesses to help them make money to help them succeed, to help them while they’re at home to study and to investigate and research different things. And to help them get out of the situation that they’re in. And so if you’re listening to this today, there has been a lot of new members come on board. There has been many, many of our members become various, highly successful. And the reason is, because I really feel that we’re sort of like 10 steps ahead of other people. And steps I’ve heard I’ve heard of other investors. And myself personally, you know, I’m not really a guru, I just sort of, I just sort of, you know, I’m a messenger, and we have a lot of different things we’re doing. I didn’t actually post an update today, because I just thought there’s a lot of stuff going on. And I just want to put credence to, like, you know, these bad events, and what’s happening out there in the world right now. And sort of as a linguistics data analysis person, I really think that it’s going to be interesting to see what happens, like going into the 20th of January, but I don’t like to give dates I really do think, you know, with what’s happening, I wouldn’t believe anything that media is putting out right now. Especially with crypto because I think, you know, going back to 2012, CNN and ABC were constantly saying how Bitcoin is a scam and Bitcoin is a Ponzi scam. You know, I can see that point. Right now you have Bitcoin up at $50,000 a coin. You know, they didn’t want you to know that. And a lot of people have missed out. So I’m not here to say, you know, Bitcoin bitcoin is the be all and end all I’m just here to say, you have to be careful with who you’re listening to use discernment. There’s a lot of stuff happening. A lot of the big media networks went down today. And I would expect that to continue in the future. It’s probably just not a one off event. And you know, like I said, there’s a lot of people coming to me, I’m hearing a lot of different stories. People say I trust you more than the media. And basically, people that are starting to post the truth are becoming like magnets, right? Because there’s people that don’t really know about COVID They don’t really know about that don’t really know what’s happening out there in the world. And I’ll let me just check here. I’ll just I’m gonna jump on Twitter right now if you bear with me, because we actually clear I can’t remember who the actual person was, but I I have a feeling that Trump is really good friends with a guy friend my pillow which he’s a multimillionaire, but he sells pillows and stuff like that. So correct me if I’m wrong. I’m not really sure if that’s, that’s the right way to say it. But as you know, I’m from Australia. I’m probably more in tune with what’s happening here in Australia. But the guy is Mike, his name is Mike Lindell. And he said, I’ve delivered evidence to President Trump today that he won 79 million votes. And I do believe because Michael Sandel is one of those guys that you know, while he sort of comes across is a bit rougher than some of the out there and bizarre, you know what he does say normally kind of true and what he’s what is what he was telling people is, you know, Biden is not to become the next president of the United States and the mainstream media keep using, you know, President Elect. And normally, that’s not the right word to be using for someone, you know, for so long when they’re about to become president. So it’s going to be interesting to see what happens here. And when you when you have a look at what what I’ve come across, it is quite amazing lives. And, and, you know, the treasonous acts and what’s happening, and a lot of the National Guard is in Washington DC right now. You know, it’s very interesting. So I guess you’re probably listening to this and probably thinking, Well, you know, shit, you know, how, how’s this going to affect crypto? Well, it does play a lot of the politics and a lot of uncertainty plays out in crypto all the time. And crypto hates uncertainty. And so I really think what’s happening, you know, you have these people on the left saying, you know, Joe Biden has won. But you know, I’m probably more on the right side of that. And I’m sort of saying, Well, you know, the data and the bots are hinting that President Trump actually won, then you have Michael Dell, who came out actually just 24 hours a day, 24 hours ago and said that he’s delivered evidence of that, which I think Trump already knows. And so, you know, there’s these both sides of the argument defending themselves, but I really think that only one side in the end is going to win, that’s going to be Trump. And so what our team has been concentrating on today, because we have not been too active on our private newsletter, that I really think it’s going to affect crypto somehow. Will it be positive or negative? I’m, I’m not 100% sure on that we will see. Right now crypto is holding Well, it’s done well, the last couple of weeks, as we got in, through the New Year. And it’s, it’s sort of going to be interesting to see how we, you know, the next couple of months, because I do believe and I have been putting out on this podcast, you know, many accurate things and predictions. However, I have to be just a bit wary. Because there’s a lot of people who are now saying, you know, you need to be quiet, you know, Joe Biden’s in stop saying Trump’s one, you know, and all this stuff? Well, you know, there’s both arguments there for and against, but I’m, you know, with our with our newsletter, it’s mostly basically investing and crypto newsletter, so you know, this is gonna affect what we’re doing. So it’s very tied in very synced in with what we’re doing right now. And for me, personally, I find it very interesting, because, you know, we have an opportunity here to create, or we have an opportunity here to make some money. So that’s my personal opinion, I can be wrong. But in in the process of what has been happening the whole time, I’ve always been of the of the effect, too, you know, I think that’s the smart way to do it is to, you know, find something out there in the real world. If you can create an opportunity out of it or make some money from it, I’m not talking about being greedy. I’m just saying, you know, everyone has the right to create an opportunity for themselves. And I really think that this political event is going to create just that. We’re going to see a lot of big events come through the line, and through the next couple of months. I really don’t think anyone is going to be probably inaugurated many officially by the government for a little while now. And I really do think, gonna stick to the story, guys, I could be wrong. But you know, what we’re looking at is is a win from Trump, another four years of Trump bots, he has to be careful, because you know, there’s a lot of very evil people right now. And I do think that the protesting and the riots and the, you know, the drama, and the killings, and all that stuff is very, very, is not very over. It’s not over yet. No, not in a long shot. So if you listen to the audio today, just just be careful. If you live in around the Washington, DC area, I really think it’s safer for you guys to stay at home. If you can say have you locked in your drawer and your bedroom the whole day. I just mean, you know, use the sermon, and go out if you have to, and just just stay stay safe because I think a lot of big events are coming. I have I think, and I have a little bit of concerns about what we will see. Because

Unknown Speaker 9:47
there’s a lot of data and linguistic analysis that we have saying that, you know, the these protests could actually intensify again, and I hope I’m wrong on that. I hope I hope to go Either I’m just, I’m way off on that. But I’m just sort of telling you guys that you need to use a little bit of discernment. There’s a lot of crap out there. There’s a lot of fake news at the moment, about you know, Biden’s inauguration and Trump loss and Trump’s moving out of his house, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. So that I get I don’t want to get too political because I want to be positive. And I do think that, you know, it’s amazing to see the run on Bitcoin. It’s amazing to see people waking up to the whole crypto thing. It’s amazing to see that a lot of my clients are, you know, finding out that there are other ways to create opportunities and to create money for them. So even though you know, we’ve been in a lockdown one of my clients, I can’t remember who it was. There was a let me, let me pull that up for you. Because I think I posted that on YouTube. And it was quite amazing, because, as you know, there’s a lot of people that have been affected really negatively from the Coronavirus. And what I was going to do for you guys is just try and read out, you know, the I can’t really find it here. Maybe I can, sorry. Yeah, here we go. So, um, this is from June See, so she, she’s been a client of mine for a long time. And she was just patient, I know that I can read the just saying, oh, incredible. Hello, Chip, I want to say you guys are simply magical, addictive and amazing. At the start of the year, meaning 2020 She said I was I had a little money to invest. I know I was nervous and join other crypto newsletters and kept getting coins that were dying in the article, the listing. And the coin list you guys shared not only were they good coins, they’re surviving, then not only that they are thriving, and my husband is over the moon. We are up over $112,000 us since starting the journey with you well goes on to say I need to tell everyone, your help is awesome. And you guys never sleep. Thanks so much. And I am never going to forget this and how blockchain has changed many, many people’s eyes, you will also and I think whatever day we met by chance, this is very addictive. I’m very happy I recommend everyone check on your offer before it goes away. It’s dirt cheap and worth every penny. If you’ve asked me many blessings, enjoy your day chip on the chatterbot fan for life. Well, so that’s June, she was was very adamant that she needed to change things. Look, you know, past performance is not indicative of future results, I can’t tell you that if you join our, you know, our membership, you’re gonna make $112,000 Because generally worked hard for this. And I know that a lot of people work really hard. And we are just trying to put messages out there and make people realize that, you know, 90 96% of these coins, I would say are just total crap and garbage and ready for the scrap heap. And we’re just sort of trying to, you know, work out what’s happening in the real world, tie that in with the crypto, see where things are gonna explode. Because I believe that with crypto, I think a lot of these coins are going to melt into other niches meaning, you know, we’re in we have the crypto coins, which is number one, we have the first niche coins which defy the decentralized finance world, when things go from proof of proof of work and proof of steak, which you know, there’s both, but proof of steak you have now have these rewards for people that just for holding coins. And then I really think that that’s because of that I think that’s going to melt in and it’s going to you’re going to see the crypto niches coming in more and more. So we’re probably talking about health, about wealth. Even dating, there’ll be all sorts of different, you know, clean energy, you know, green energy, robots, robotics, I don’t know, this is just the data that I’m getting told or you know, this is the basically the data that was coming across my desk. And now no one else in the world has told you this, right? It’s not available anywhere else in the world. But just imagine if you had that sort of you know that information before anyone else. So this is what I’m talking about here. We I believe that my team are the best in the world. And you know if you’re getting forehand is forewarned is forearmed. And I do believe and I keep saying I know over and over like a broken record that information is the best commodity in the world, not gold overall, you know, all these other ones or some special Tesla’s? I think it really depends on you know, what sort of information you’re getting the 20 Only advice you’re getting? And and, you know, are you getting that before everyone else. So I’m not here to tell you that we’re giving it, you know, giving it to you, you know, 80 years before it happens. But I am, you know, people understand that with our data, we are giving it to a lot of people way, way ahead of time, sometimes too far ahead of time and people just can’t understand it. I don’t, I’m not here to blow your mind. I’m basically here just just to say, you know, keep an open mind because blockchain really is the future. Blockchain really is the next internet blockchain is going to blow people’s mind. Because in the future, we’re sort of moving from the last industrial revolution to in the next space of 10 years, what the Fourth Industrial Revolution. And blockchain is all part of that. Robotics is all part of that. I don’t need to bore you. Because, you know, there’s a lot of stuff that I’ve put out there. But I just think it’s a very special magical time in history, you were chosen to view it, including all the Trump stuff, because I think that’s part of it as well, the political side, the Great Awakening, where people are waking up to what’s been happening out there in the real world. As you know, there’s a lot of Mafia going to Big Tent trials, hundreds of them, 1000s of them. And we’re going to start to see how the truth rings out. And the truth is going to help people create a whole different life. So that’s about it. For me today, I want to thank you for joining with me, there’s so much coming on, it’s, it’s hard for me to keep up, I will try to keep doing the podcast. Because I know people have given me a lot of great feedback. And I’m, I’m just blessed to be doing what I’m doing. If you feel like you, you know, you’re after a different way to create money or make money, I can’t make any guarantees. But we’re having a lot of fun. I’ve created huge success myself, my team, I think is probably the best team I’ve had worked with any part of my life in any part of the world. And so I have to tell you that and it’s exciting to see some of the things that we even talked about two years starting to happen. So it’s very interesting, a lot of the tweets we’ve been putting out have been retweeted from a year ago. One of those things are coming true. I’m very blessed. I thank God every day that I’m in the position that I am. And I’m you know, I’m basically just for open ears, I’m a messenger, and I’m not anything special. You don’t claim to be any gurus or you claim to make you a millionaire. We just sort of doing it for the greater good. And you know, I do, I do believe I need to be compensated for the stuff we’re putting out nowhere else you can get access to that in the world. So a lot of investment tips as well, we’re going to have that coming out a lot of free stuff. So even if you don’t even want to join the VIP membership. Now just join on the free list, have a look. There’s lots of stuff, there’s lots of excellent advice and tips and tricks you to chew on in the meantime, um, I’m always doing content I’m always trying to create, I’m always a creator, I’m always trying to help out where I can. And, you know, basically, I do believe if you you know, if you’re positive and you pop out good stuff, then you will be rewarded. So that’s just what I’m here for. That’s just my mission, I feel. And it’s been a fantastic journey. And I’m looking forward even though we’re in the start of, you know, January 2021. We’re the very start of the year. So we’re going to see what happens as we go into February, March, April and the rest of the year. That’s about it for me today. Guys. I want to thank you again for listening to me. I’m out of here. So if you feel free to like share and subscribe to this podcast, share it with your friends or family and also please remember to check out at VIP crypto newsletter The link for that is below. In the meantime, have a fantastic week and people very soon. Bye, bye.

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Podcast Archive โ€“ Chipโ€™s Predictions From January 27, 2021

Many people have wanted to know how accurate the Chatterbot newsletter has been before investing into the VIP private members area. One thing which may help you decide is to listen to Chip’s public podcasts from previous posting dates; and then you can determine how accurate his predictions were from the time of the posting.

This post will provide you the link to his podcast, and the embed of his podcast – so that you may listen to it on this site, which was published on this date:

DATE: January 27, 2021 – “Crypto psychic – All about XRP RIPPLE”

LINK: Click Here


In order to help you save time you also can find the podcast audio transcript below this section. If you prefer to read or scan a podcast’s content, instead of listening to it, then we hope that this offers you some benefit. Due to the translation software we can’t guarantee 100% accuracy so you are welcome to listen to the podcast in order to ensure accuracy of what Chip said at the time.

Once you like what Chip offered and believe that his predictive linguistics model is valuable to you, then contact us by clicking the button below and contacting us. We can offer you a promo code to get access to the VIP private members area for the Chatterbot crypto and altcoin investment newsletter. Thank you and we look forward to hearing from you soon!


Hey guys, what’s up chip here, welcome to the Chatterbot newsletter podcast radio series. I’m your host, Chip Smith from Australia. And I want to welcome you into the show today. And we’ve been doing a lot more podcasting. And we’ve been doing a lot of data and analytics. And it’s just been really, really fun to see what’s happening in all things to do with Bitcoin on blockchain, the rapid growth of Aetherium is, is quite interesting to me. And I know a lot of people don’t really want to talk about it. Because you know, a lot of people don’t understand what’s happening. You listen to my voice right now, and a lot of people don’t really understand that crypto is very big. A lot of people just, you know, they listen to the mainstream media, they listen to their friends and family, they listen to the skeptics, they say, you know, our crypto is a scam. And on and on and on it goes. And I know that there’s, of course, there’s going to be many negative things said out there, but you guys have to realize and understand that this is the future, this is where we’re going as you are listening to my voice, China, in the plans in the works of handing out lotteries to some of the people in the in the general public. And they are testing like things, you know, in the in the, in the mainstream the economy of how they can make things go more cashless, that is the word that is the key word that is the analytic data that we’ve been picking up for a long time. And I do believe deep within my heart, that you know, these, these are the things that we have to be wary of. But also, it is it can be very lucrative, if you know what’s coming before it comes. Now I’ve had a conversation with one of my clients who he made about five and a half $1,000 in profit in a coin. And he really just said, you know, it’s not really about the coins. And it’s not really about, you know, reading the stuff that we put out constantly, every day, it really is about, you know, knowing the future ahead of time, knowing what things can be being done that down the track. Like I said, I do have plans, when down the track to start a website, you know, like the next big thing, sort of a website where people can come in. And remember, you have people from all over the world that have different representations of what they think you have representations of people that have a lot of experience in the investment world, you have a lot of experience, people that, you know, they know a lot of things and they and they love to share it, you have retired people that have nothing better to do with their day than to sort of help out. And these are the sorts of people that I love to hang around with. You know, I’m not a I’m not a guru, I’m not a genius, I really just am lucky to be, I have very, very good ethics, I like to work hard. I like to put out lots of good content. And I’m lucky enough to hang around with some of the smartest people in the southern hemisphere. I have a group around me and my team, as you know, they are just, you know, these guys would climb over arrays of barbed wire with glass on it. And so I’m very lucky to be doing what I’m doing. And as they say, you know, if you put yourself around smart people, you become smarter, sort of like a tennis player, right? You know, if you’re practicing tennis and you want to get better in the tennis game, you don’t sort of hang around with people that are beginners or a novice in tennis, you want to hang around with professionals if they give me the time or people that are in the amateur tour. And you know, if you’re playing with people that are much better than you it’s sort of lift your game. So that is my mantra, and it’s been working for many, many years. The business that I have the chatterbot newsletter, the crypto daily newsletter, we’re doing huge things guys are told and I want people that this year is going to be huge for what we’re doing what we bring out yesterday and literally last night, we have been basically up most of the night that we released our $499 product, you know if you want that I will sell that to use for for a price. However, we gave that to our members for free and it’s already getting results. And it’s just been huge. It’s been crazy guys. Newsletters gone viral. We’ve been doing a lot of things. There’s been people ringing us emailing us. And so I know we’ve been inundated so if you messaging us we will get to your message eventually we just been sort of swamped. But you know, things are good. I’m having a look here right now at the MA Okay, we’ve got Bitcoin as come down, and we’re sitting at about $30,000 per coin Aetherium, zero to 100. Interesting to see polka dot has come up the tables then sitting on number four now. And I mean, I didn’t want to didn’t talk about this a while ago, where we will see the rapid progression of crypto. As you know, we have cryptocurrency. And then we also have the other niche, which is default, which is also decentralized finance, which crypto has built it across there we have, you’ll farming and you know, proof of stake now where you can hold coins and just make money for holding those points. I think blocboy is another big, I think they’re even tied in with the banks. But you can sort of, you know, if you have over $10,000 in Bitcoin, you can leave it there, you make sort of, you know, I don’t know, half a percent every day or whatever it is, and 3% a year or something, something like that, I don’t really get involved with that, because we’re doing the other the other BB L, or sorry, the barbell end of crypto. And we’re sort of more just investigating prices and coins, that sort of thing, if you really want to know, on 90% of the crypto market is a scam. Pretty big statement there, I know. But it for me personally, you just have to be careful, there’s going to be a lot of people lose money, there’s going to be a lot of people lose marriages, houses, cars, kids everything. So you just have to be a little bit wary. And you know, people are putting in their grocery money, their rent money. I mean, it’s stupid. Any money that I’ve invested in this niche, I realize it’s high risk. And you know, it’s funny that I can afford to lose. So let’s just say crypto dies and crashes. As you remember the very horrific event in 2007. In 2018, you have to remember that if this happens, you have to be well equipped, and you have to be ready. It can happen at any time. It’s a high risk world. High risk, high reward, yes, I agree with that. But you have to be ready just in case something like that happens. Do not put in your money, just all your money you have in your bank, use discernment and you know, basically disposable money. So if you have, you know, an extra 300 430,000, I don’t know how much money you have. If you have that sort of, you know, cash laying around doing nothing. That’s the sort of money you should be putting into this. But please, this is not investment advice. You need to seek financial planning or financial financial planning before doing anything. Realistically goes, we just thought our experts and what we’re doing, we’re doing apps and apps, we set them in a blockchain, we go out we’ve been very successful in creating, you know, data and analytics, the government have already come to me, and I’ve already promised the boys that we won’t be using this for the government. Because we’ll be using this for good. I don’t know if you put this sort of technology in the government and what the fuck would they do with it? I mean, I don’t really know. And that’s, that’s a bit scary to me. And I’m just doing my own thing. And I’m here to help you guys, because that’s really what it is about. And it’s gonna be interesting to see the big events come into 2022. And I do believe that while Joe Biden is the inverted, comma, President, there’s a lot of things happening, like he was signing executive orders, you know, on blank pieces of paper, Kamala Harris was sitting there just saying, you know, just sign up, Joe. Very interesting, guys. It’s all optics, not a conspiracy. I know, we’re going to be correct on this. And Trump is still at the wheel, even though it doesn’t feel like that. It’s just an event that’s going to shock many people wake up many people and I think this is going to affect the crypto market. And for me, personally, I don’t see that negative events around crypto being you know, our panic panic, I’m going to panic because remember one of our first one of our first podcast, we actually I think we actually released that when the market was dumping. A lot of people said, you know, you’re wrong. That’s this is the end of crypto, we’re going to it’s going to die. It’s not going to be around in a year. Here we are. And Bitcoin has skyrocketed, you know, over 40,000 per coin. And a lot of these altcoins have performed quite well. I know it’s a very volatile world, but the people and the haters and everyone, we haven’t had some guy that was trolling me for about a year. And I said, man, what are you doing? And I didn’t even block it because I knew he was such an idiot. That eventually, you know, these people wake up eventually. And you need to give them the chance to wake up even when you know the chips are down and things are there’s been modern shit thrown on your face. I didn’t block him on to do. But I just felt this guy was going to wake up and he actually joined with us about two weeks ago. Three weeks ago

Unknown Speaker 10:02
and is waking up. People are waking up. It’s funny that a lot of Michael 90% of my clients are very awake. They know what’s happening in the real world and what’s happening in the political world. They know what’s really happening and why these like CNN, ABC, CNBC, CNBC, CNN, every letter right? They’ve been they’ve been saying that Bitcoin and crypto has been a scam for years because they don’t want guys. They don’t want you to get rich or enrich your life by crypto, they want you to have a loan. They want you to be slaved for the bank, they want you to be on the computer all day. They don’t want you to live a happy life. They want you indoors, they want you out of the sun. It goes on us to camp draconian measures people they want you to wear masks. Now if I can saying that you should be wearing a double mask they don’t want you to be wearing just one mask. It’s to mask and what’s the next it’s going to be Oh, we want you to wear bloody three months or four months. Like it never ends even angels are doing now they’re doing anal swabs to to try and predict that if you’re going to have Coronavirus I mean, guys, guys, you need to really wake up putting putting something up your rectum kebony to somehow predict that you’ve got Coronavirus. I mean this is just goes on and on it goes I’ve been telling you this shit for years, people have not been within people have been some people have been listening. I feel sorry for the people right now. And the normies out there that just really don’t know what happened, what’s happening. We’ve got a boom in electric vehicles, we’ve got a boom in alternative energy. There’s so much stuff happening. And you know, even if something happens with, you know, a negative event with blockchain and crypto, it’s even better because when they when things die back down and brought back down to ground level, it seems to rebuild itself even faster and quicker. So bring it on, I don’t care what they plan, guys, because we already have the secrets, we already have the events we already have. What I feel is the key to the lock. And when you have the key to the secrets. It really is game over time. And you know, we’ve been doing this for a long time, guys, we haven’t been doing this for for four or five weeks. I’ve been in this game as a 21 year old locked in my room. And while people were saying, you know, what’s this idiot doing? Like, this is what we were doing. I was putting people around me I was doing a lot of designing, I was doing a lot of planning. And you have seen the combination of 15 years planning work, guys. Okay, so please be wary of that, that we are not just a fly by night company, we have had, you can go back even if you don’t believe me, it’s all timestamp, we can’t change it, you can go back and we’ve dealt with basically had 100 predictions come true out of about 120. Probably more than that. And these are just the main ones, we have a really big prediction that I think is going to play out maybe towards the end of 2021. So there will be some waiting time when that if that happens, and if it even if it slips over into 2022 Oh, my god like this is going to be very, very lucrative for my friends. And are you I am not really one to get excited. But I am addicted to what our chatbots and our predictable. And mystics has been saying for a long time. And as you know, like, every time I don’t listen to the bots and I just think I’ve become skeptical. I’ve learned time and time again you get bitch slapped and they just think it’s almost like someone out there is laughing at me. Even though that’s a metaphor, but I just think oh what an idiot I was I didn’t listen to that it just sounded so crazy. But normally the crazier the predictions, the actual in real life, the crazy they are the more chance to have a playing out and I’ve found that I’ve learned that the hard way. I’ve probably missed out on hundreds of 1000s of dollars just not listening to my own thoughts and my own thoughts. And you know, who’s got who’s pays for that it’s me and myself. I take full responsibility. And even when Bitcoin was about $150 A coin, we put it out that it’s going to 400 some people thought I was fucking nuts. Some people felt crazy. You know, matter of months later it happened and look where we are now. We’re still at $30,000 a coin, a Bitcoin and things just keep going, you know, on the up and up. I love the news with ripple guys, and I’m just going to touch on this before I go. A lot of our clients have been asking about ripple but I want us to tell you, this is a very, very delicate subject. The SEC have come in the fine ripple. I really think that when we’re talking about what’s happening in the in the world of you know, sending and receiving mean money ripples gonna play a big part. But what I wanted to tell you is I really think that this whole charade of saying, you know, XRP is a currency or is it a? or is it a security? Well, my own personal opinion is, you know, it’s a currency, it should be treated as a currency. And no one should come in and should stick around with, with that piece of evidence. We all know that it trades like a currency, it acts like a currency, I think it’s going to be interesting that in the future, if ripple becomes really important, like, I’m just saying, if they, you know, if they sought out their legal cases, and they’d become very important in the future, I mean, it’s probably going to, it could even become more like a stable coin, if it’s deemed a currency. And I’m not really sure about what’s happening right now. But I look, I’m very skeptical, I’m really wary to listen to anyone. I have real two really smart friends in the banking world, they’re both saying different things. And so I don’t want to get confused with this fact. And I’m just, I’m just going to put it out there that I really think XRP is a currency, it shouldn’t be treated as a currency, it shouldn’t be traded as a currency, it probably shouldn’t be categorized and more as a cryptocurrency than, you know, anything else. Because that’s what it is. And I do believe that all these people saying it’s a banker’s coin, well, yeah, I do agree with that. However, if you always have, if you can get your hands on information, and and you can make money from that information, I do believe that, you know, it’s taken me a while to learn this, but you but you need to sort of set aside politics, you need to set aside some of these other, you know, it’s not really a question of ethics, because I feel that, you know, in this world, you have a right to be, you know, wealthy or live a happy life, be financially free. And I believe if you come into any information that is going to help you get there and get you there the quickest way, I do believe that you need to, you know, snap things up, or just basically, you know, take up opportunities when they arise. So, is XRP going to be an opportunity? Well, I’m sort of mixed on the situation. But you know, you know, one is, you know, the linguistics and the patterns that we see, um, it’s, I just really feel that this XRP stuff, it could go two ways it could go towards Okay, XRP is a security needs to be listed. We need to put on the stock market, as you know, a ripple company or x ripple or something like that. Or it’ll go the other way, where they’ll just, it’s basically have been all theater, and they’ll say, look, XRP definitely, it’s nothing to do with security. It’s not sold like that. It’s a cryptocurrency let’s keep it on the cryptocurrency market on a blockchain on the blockchain infrastructure. And just let it do let it let it do let us do with things. It’s thing, because I think, you know, when too many people get involved, and the downside of it is when regulation comes in, I think this, this whole FP thing is going to set off some sort of regulation in the crypto markets, I can see it coming. It’s in our data and our prediction patterns, linguistics that, you know, eventually down the line, they’re gonna have to regulate crypto now, is that going to be a good thing or a bad thing? Well, pros and cons, but I mean, it’s probably good to have a bit of regulation, I think initially, it’s going to be seen as a very negative thing and affect the market in a negative way. But then people will sort of wake up and go, Oh, shit, you know, will this sort of stuff doesn’t need regulation, because there’s so many scammers and scams in the crypto world right now. And it’s going to weed out, you know, it’s going to force the bad people out and the good people back in. And I believe that, you know, if we’re going to go into a more crypto baseball, than that is what really what’s really needed to happen. I know a lot of people won’t agree with me, you’re entitled to your opinion. That’s just what I think. Do I see it as an opportunity? Hell, yes, I do see it as an opportunity for someone who maybe comes into the crypto market a bit later. So we’re talking like 2023 2024, I think that’s regulation might come in, and we’ll see some, you know, big events around that, including price fluctuations, and everything like that. So that’s pretty interesting. My My people,

Unknown Speaker 19:38
and I just wanted to cover those sorts of things today. I know you’re going to hear a lot about XRP. And the court case and the SEC and what’s going on, probably more in February, but in January, I know a lot of people are definitely just sort of, you know, they’re watching it. They’re seeing what’s happening. I think to me, it’s more about just, you know, watching a theater and And we have to be weary of that. And you know this, there’s some really shady things going on. I know that a lot of people already see that. But you know, it’s funny because every time the crypto market goes up, you know, you normally see the scammers and the and the dummies and you know, the our souls come out they spam and scam people and, you know, happens time and time again, we’re going to see it in 2021. We’re going to see it in 2022. If you remember the big Kinect stuff, will, you know that you were going to see more of those programs coming out? They’re going to huge, huge, huge trouble. And I just think, you know, as we sort of go into the rest of the year, it’s going to be rife. So you have to be careful, you have to use discernment. And that’s just my analogy with everything happening, especially with XRP as well. Alright guys, that’s about it for me today. I love doing this podcast, please remember to like, share, and subscribe to these podcasts. We have actually released a $499 product today on our membership page on our VIP gold membership page. There is a fee for that. But you know, you get that in for free. So what we’re saying is if you join up, you sign up, you get that product for free. And then you know we’ll even throw in an extra month so you’ll get an extra membership for our newsletter. And you know, I didn’t want you guys the prices are going up. And I just do that because I want to weed out all the all the nitpickers and I want to weed out all the time wasters. I’m really off to serious people that really want to do good in this world for them, their family, and everyone else. So that’s about it for me today guys. Please remember to share this podcast and join our newsletter. The link for that will be below what’s coming in 2021 We have a very, very brand new in the it’s been a very, very great start to the we will see what the rest of that brings. That’s about it for me today. Have a great week and I’ll talk to you all very soon. Peace

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Podcast Archive โ€“ Chipโ€™s Predictions From March 28, 2021

Many people have wanted to know how accurate the Chatterbot newsletter has been before investing into the VIP private members area. One thing which may help you decide is to listen to Chip’s public podcasts from previous posting dates; and then you can determine how accurate his predictions were from the time of the posting.

This post will provide you the link to his podcast, and the embed of his podcast – so that you may listen to it on this site, which was published on this date:

DATE: March 28, 2021 – “Crypto psychic = Around The Traps In March”

LINK: Click Here


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Once you like what Chip offered and believe that his predictive linguistics model is valuable to you, then contact us by clicking the button below and contacting us. We can offer you a promo code to get access to the VIP private members area for the Chatterbot crypto and altcoin investment newsletter. Thank you and we look forward to hearing from you soon!


Hey guys, what’s up? What’s up? Welcome to chatterbot newsletter podcast Radio. I’m your host, Chip Smith. And we put apps and apps, we sit in the blockchain and we spread out across the internet looking for chatter and predictive linguistics to try and predict future events before they occur. Well, it’s been quite a big week, I’m feeling a lot more settled. We’ve had a lot of success we’ve had what I was gonna do, let me have a look at this here, guys. I got a letter here this morning, I did put a post up on our newsletter. If you are not a member, you can join down below the link down below. And it was from a client called Jackie Hines, and she said, Hi, Chip, Jackie, here, I am literally shaking. As when I joined your newsletter, I did not have a lot of money in the bank. She said, Oh, she goes on to say I just logged into my crypto portfolio account, I now have amassed over $33,000, which is sitting there. She said, Oh my god, you guys are the best. And I’m simply stunned at how accurate you’ve all been. I don’t go to church because this is my church now. So she’s like the crypto church. I guess when you think about it right on. Our church isn’t going to a house of God. I mean, if you look at the definition, or the dictionary, meaning of a church, it’s basically where a group of people with the same interest congregate together. So anyway, she just goes on to say, I’m speechless. We’re just average sort of people I’ve never seen, I’ve never seen this sort of money, you are such a blessing. And I don’t think people realize how powerful the Chatbot newsletter is. Thank you, Jackie. Thanks so much for the chat. She says and she just going on about we’re doing things in crypto. She’s very grateful for the team. And she’s speechless. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. That’s from Jackie. So, Jackie, I know you’re out there listening, we’ve been doing a lot of really cool things, I did appreciate the chat. And I really, really am grateful for what’s been happening in the crypto world in the crypto community, we are very private, sometimes it is hard to get into our newsletter, sometimes I have to close it down. Because I only want really, really interested people, people who want to change your life, change what they’re doing, um, how that, you know, if you haven’t been aware, you know, there is a fee to join our membership, I know that it’s not for everyone I don’t expect it to be for everyone would do things a lot different. You guys just have to remember, you have to detach yourself away from the whole money thing. Money is really just a matter and energy. And once you realize that, this is what life is all about. And you know, the birds, the trees, your house is basically just electrons and matter and has an energy. So this is really what I’m getting big on at the moment I try to teach many people, a lot of people receptive and understand it. It’s a lot of you know, it’s a complicated topic, right? That we are just spiritual beings having and you know, encompassed in a human experience. And now I know the whole fact that people are you know, want to get rich and I want to be a millionaire. You know, I really think that crypto can do that for you. Well, 95% of the time, I really think people won’t become crypto millionaires because they don’t have the right mentality. Greg comes in and all the rest of sent happened before guys. So the other 5% Which I do hope that you are a part of, I can’t tell you what’s going to happen in the future. I know we’ve had a lot of very good interesting predictions that have come true even from 24 to 36 months back we have data and linguistic patterns that is very good. A lot of our clients have been very very successful. But just so you know, guys, you know you shouldn’t be putting all your money into crypto past performance is not indicative of future results, yada yada yada. You guys know the drill. And it’s, we’re in an interesting time now we are very very very, very early days in the crypto space. I do believe in the future that crypto is gonna metamorphosize itself into something different a lot of coins are gonna go to zero a lot of shit coins a lot of you know just names in the blockchain backed up and producing nothing. So just be wary of that guys, and what did I think here on Twitter guys? What did I put? I mean, I have a lot of fun on Twitter. You guys are always been pretty good. Anyway, I think if I have a look here today it’s pretty funny, because I might have posted on another social media site. But I mean, realistically, guys, at the moment, I think that there’s two things consuming the crypto space. I will talk about it, you know, later in April, because it’s March now, and it’s been really busy. But I think the two things that are consuming the crypto space right now, greed, number one, which is very sad to see. And the second thing is stupidity. And as you guys know, if you’ve been listening to this podcast, or you’ve been listening to my newsletter, or reading my newsletter, I’ve been talking about this lately. It’s sad to see, unfortunately, we sort of saw a window of time, which has been sped up, it’s going to not be a good thing for crypto down the track. However, right now, you know, the greed and stupidity that’s consuming the space is, how am I going to say this? Very, very lucrative? I’m not sure how else to put it, guys, because there is a lot of people doing a lot of stupid things. We do a lot of work. And I know a lot of people sort of think, oh, you know, there’s a morality aspect of this. And you’re just someone’s losing that. So that makes it that makes it mean that you’re winning, and you’re taking their hard earned money? Well, you know, for me, personally, we’re working 22 hours a day at this, and I deserve to be rewarded my clients to deserve to be rewarded. I don’t have a problem with that. If you have a problem with that, that’s okay. That’s your opinion. And I don’t have I don’t have a problem with it. And I believe that some of the contents and some of the results that we’ve been getting, have, you know, have justified that. And there’s this podcast as a medium, I find it’s very interesting. We normally have a lot of, you know, there’s not too many listeners here. We don’t you know, we’re not getting a million listens a day. Although I would like that to happen. I just find it interesting. What’s happened. There’s a lot of stupid people with stupid amounts of money doing stupid things in the crypto space right now. And normally, when that happens, guys, negative things are always a result. So while I haven’t had too much time to do this podcast, I thought I’d just sort of touch base with you. There’s a lot of things happening outside the crypto space inside the crypto space, a boom in NF TS which you know, if you if you’ve Googled or how to look at the news, Babel, which is, you know, just a nickname on on Twitter. He sold, you know, like a piece of artwork in the blockchain for over $60 million was American that is. And very interesting, very interesting times. Blockchain is very, very brand new people talking like, oh, you know, block blockchain is a scam. blockchains finished? Well, no, this is just the beginning. And crypto is going to be around for a long time. But I really think, you know, some of the data we’re looking at, it can metamorphosize into something else down the track. But for now, I think a lot of our members are sort of, you know, realizing where we are in the timeline. You know, eventually, you know, it probably might be too late to get into crypto, I don’t know. But I feel that if you’re out there, and you’re listening to this, and you’re thinking I’ve missed the run. I’m not sure. I’m not sure. It’s a it’s a complicated question. And probably, if it was up to me, I would probably say no, you you’re not late. But you’re definitely you’re definitely not in the beginning innings if, if you know what I mean.

Unknown Speaker 9:11
So there’s a lot of things to think about, right? There’s a lot of things that, you know, that sort of goes around in my brain. Sometimes I try to put myself in the newbie mindset and the newbie, the frame of mind. Sometimes I try to put myself in a professional like an Institute’s person’s frame of mind because while the institute’s a year ago was saying, you know bitcoins a scam, it’s going to zero Well, they’ve changed their tune, haven’t they? Because they’ve missed out on a lot of profits. price of Bitcoin is skyrocketing. I remember on CNN a year back two or three years back, you know, they were saying bitcoin is gonna go to zero from you know, and you know, more fake news. More fake news more bullshit. More crap, the circumnavigates everywhere across the airwaves, a lot of the normies are out there listening and believing all the crap Go into the nine to five job doing all that, well, basically, we’re doing a lot of our work in the blockchain, I don’t really have a job, this is my full time thing. And you guys fund what we’re doing the apps and apps. And it’s been quite successful. I don’t have to show off, I just sort of, I’m trying to help a lot of people, obviously, you know, there’s only a certain amount of hours in the day, but I love getting all the questions and the feedback and the kind words, my full offers philosophy, as I’ve said many times is, you’re good to me, I’m good to you. Pretty simple, pretty simple business practice. And it’s treated me well over the years. So it’s a, it’s a Sunday afternoon, here, I had time to do this. It’s been so bloody hot here in Australia, it’s been very muggy. And it’s sort of, I’m going to start to enjoy winter, because what happens is when in winter, is I get a lot more time, it’s a lot more cooler inside, I get a lot more work done. And I really knuckle down, we’re still doing a lot of free stuff, or, you know, new people that come in people that are sort of, you know, prospects that are sort of trying to find out others, a lot of a lot of our word of mouth stuff is doing really well. And, you know, if you have a friend or a family member or a loved one, or assist the brother auntie, who who might be interested in this, then yeah, I urge you to pass this along. Because in the meantime, you never know what could happen. You know, there’s so many variables, there’s so many possibilities. People don’t understand how big blockchain thing is, it’s like going back to the 1992. When no one had the internet, no one really knew what it was. I think you could only get email or in my dad. At school, they were sort of saying, Yeah, well, you’ve got email, well, you must be your dad must be really rich, which was not the case. You know, he just basically was trial and error. It’s always good to know about technology, and be ahead and learn and develop, as you get older and sort of keep up. You know, you got to keep up with things, don’t you when new things come on the market. And, you know, I remember even one person saying the internet, it’s a scam, it’s going to fail and look where we are now. So it was a very bad call, by the way. And I know a lot of people right now saying that, you know, Blockchain is going to fail, it’s a scam, it’s gonna go away. Well, not not looking at the stuff we’re looking at. I mean, you know, I am, I’m not, I’m not just sort of self promoting here. But we’ve made a lot of good predictions that have come through. And I really feel that, you know, Blockchain is just in the very beginning stretches, it is the future, it will be the future. Even when you’re looking at Hollywood movies, you know, 1020 years back, they were hinting on a sort of more virtual cashless digital world. And here we are, we’re sort of in the bridging stone, or the bridging year bridging across years, aren’t we really 2021 you can see, you know, COVID, you know, germs, cough, cough, talked about it before many times and cross over to the more digital cashless system. And I really do think that that’s, that’s going to really, you know, accelerate in the next 456 years. However, you know, right now, there’s a lot of people that still need to, you know, I know, I know, a lot of people when we did our questionnaire, people don’t even know what Bitcoin is. They’ve heard about it. They don’t know what it is. They don’t know what a crypto coin is. They don’t know what a crypto Well, it is. You’d be quite surprised. And I know sometimes we’re too close, right? Sometimes we’re too close. We’re just you know, we’re investing. We are talking to our friends, we’re talking to people that are only doing crypto and we don’t see what the normal everyday people out there going to work or doing. They’ve got no clue what’s going on in the blockchain and the cryptocurrency world and the Bitcoin world. There’s been big news, new hires fresh eyes on Bitcoin, the price and the charter becomes quite surprising. I’ve been talking about people, you know, seeing crazy numbers on Bitcoin a long time ago, and people sort of thought we were nuts. So I do think, you know, today where the price of Bitcoin is, I can have a check for you, I think the price of Bitcoin at the moment. Let’s have a look. price of Bitcoin today guys is 56,000. And our data is sort of hinting that we’re going to see higher prices than that, in the future actually probably much higher. So I’m not just saying that to try and you know, everyone seems to be doing themselves, but I really do think that we’re going to see significant prices higher than that. But the people out there saying, you know, bitcoins gonna go to $4 million a coin. Well, I just I can’t say we have zero data on that. I really don’t think that’s a possibility. The reason is, there’s many things that have to happen. There’s going to be many, many changes to crypto that will sort of divert attention away from the Bitcoin thing. I think Bitcoin is sort of in a honeymoon phase. Right now I personally, I can I can be open and say this that I don’t I mean, I think I’ve only got about $100 in Bitcoin. I, for many reasons, but yeah, it’s more, it’s more about the fact that I really think, you know, while bitcoin is that main coin out there, I think crypto is going to change a lot, you’re gonna see a lot of changes, you’re gonna see a lot of big events. And, yeah, that’s about it, guys, I want to thank you. And we’ve had many, many kind messages, working hard I have, I’ve been sort of many sleepless nights, but it’s all been worth it, guys, because I mean, you guys really appreciative and we, you know, I’ve always really wanted to help people. Even when I was a young kid, I always wanted to help people no matter what. So I feel that that’s my calling. I feel that we’ve had some big things happen, we’ve had some really massive calls that have come ahead and actually come to fruition. That is what I’m grateful for. I’m grateful for my team and everyone that I’ve put around me. And this has been probably one of the biggest secrets to my, to my success, just putting people around me that I can trust. And I know that they have my back every step of the way. And I know you guys are listening to my tapes, I want to say thanks from the bottom of my heart that I really, really appreciate that. On that note, guys, I’m gonna go ahead here, I’m gonna go grab a beer. And I’m always sort of trying to put stuff out there where I think I can put you into a situation where you can think about things a little bit different than other people so you can gain, you know, the extra advantage. And that’s where we’ve done well, we’re sort of planning military planning. Luke goes even when crypto was smaller, I was doing many military style plans on a sheet of paper. And Nico. It’s very interesting that 567 years later things have been have been going along, really in a in a positive way. So I’m grateful for that. I’m grateful for my listeners grateful for my clients. And I know that without you guys, you know, this is all this stuff. There’s massive stuff that we’ve been doing has. It’s been crazy. It’s been a wild ride. It’s been a wild ride for me. On some of the other people. Yeah, it’s even, it’s probably even crazier. But I can’t even imagine what I do without, you know, without doing all this. So it’s been fun. It’s been crazy. And I’m always blessed. I’m always grateful. And that’s, that’s the sacred, always be grateful. All right, guys. That’s about it for me today. Thank you. If you want to share this, please subscribe to this podcast and share it with your friends and family and loved ones. In the meantime, if you want to check out our newsletter and join our VIP newsletter membership, the link for that is below. In the meantime, have a great weekend. And have a fantastic week ahead and I’ll talk to you all very soon. Okay, bye.

Podcast Archive โ€“ Chipโ€™s Predictions From April 6 2021

Many people have wanted to know how accurate the Chatterbot newsletter has been before investing into the VIP private members area. One thing which may help you decide is to listen to Chip’s public podcasts from previous posting dates; and then you can determine how accurate his predictions were from the time of the posting.

This post will provide you the link to his podcast, and the embed of his podcast – so that you may listen to it on this site, which was published on this date:

DATE: April 6, 2021 – “Crypto Psychic – Lots Happening! More Secret Research!”

LINK: Click Here


In order to help you save time you also can find the podcast audio transcript below this section. If you prefer to read or scan a podcast’s content, instead of listening to it, then we hope that this offers you some benefit. Due to the translation software we can’t guarantee 100% accuracy so you are welcome to listen to the podcast in order to ensure accuracy of what Chip said at the time.

Once you like what Chip offered and believe that his predictive linguistics model is valuable to you, then contact us by clicking the button below and contacting us. We can offer you a promo code to get access to the VIP private members area for the Chatterbot crypto and altcoin investment newsletter. Thank you and we look forward to hearing from you soon!


Hey guys, what’s up chip here, welcome to the chatterbot newsletter podcast radio series. I’m your host, Jeff Smith from Australia, I want to welcome you wherever you are in the world today in Australia, we have clients in and around America, Antarctica, New Zealand, wherever you are, guys, thank you for tuning in, we’ve been doing a lot of these podcasts. Unfortunately, we have not been able to do as many as I thought. It’s been very busy. And we’re actually keeping quiet sort of things very secretive, because I want to keep things private. And I’m not really ready for, you know, for the mainstream to listen to what we have, because I really don’t think there’s anyone in the world that is doing anything like we are doing. So. Thank you for all the comments. Thank you for all the kind words, we I wanted to post this today. Because if you didn’t know, the crypto market and the market cap for the entire crypto space has actually, we will, as you’re listening to this has hit about $2 trillion. And for me, personally, I was under the will I was under the notion that this might not happen. And probably until maybe 2023, are somewhere around about those days. So it’s interesting for me that this is the timelines of sort of sped up a bit. And I really wanted to tell people that the entire crypto space is starting to change. The reason is, because when we first put out, put out the podcasts here, we were talking that crypto would eventually start to ram across into other nations. And that has actually happened, we will accurate again, there is now you know, probably over 20 specific niches including music and non fungible tokens, which is starting to take off and also the tokenization and, or physical things. So it’s very interesting, like art, and there’s even virtual land being bought inside of games. And so this is what is happening, crypto was eventually going to evolve into turn into something different. And I really do think that crypto, you know, many, many, many, many years from now is going to evolve and morph into something that we probably won’t even realize. So it’s very interesting, it’s very early days. And I really do think that in in the future, there might be probably a time where, you know, you’re not gonna see the opportunities that you are now. But you know, I’ve been in this thing. I’ve been doing this podcast for a number of years. And it’s very, very, I’m very, very fulfilled that some of the predictions and some of the stuff we’re putting out there. As a crypto analyst, you know, they’re starting to come to fruition. Yes, it’s probably taking a lot of time. But I’ve always been under the impression that you shouldn’t put out time limits, because if you say a certain things going to happen by the 20th of August 2021, doesn’t, you know, people get angry. So with that entail, I really feel that some of the content and some of the stuff we’re pushing out there, you know, is far reaching. We’re known throughout the world, now through Australia, America, Twitter. So very interesting. And some of even the calls we’ve made on sport have come through as well. So that has been interesting. And I really feel that if you are in the position right now, and you are awake, and you realize that, you know, this sport is rigged, the political side of the world is rigged. The news is rigged. You know, even crypto, yes. But you know, even if you’re not an investor, you’re listening to this, and you’re sort of a bit skeptical. You’re listening to this right now. And you’re thinking No, you know, I wanted to check this out. And I’m a bit skeptical about what’s happening around me. It’s just the process of you waking up. Psychologically, you’re you’re adapting and you’re realizing that, you know, the things that you’ve been told for many, many years are slowly, you know, not coming through and the stuff we’re putting out here is coming true. And so for me, personally, I’m in the fake news and the media. I mean, I don’t really watch the news at night. But me personally, you know, if you do want to know 99% of those news and stories that you see while you’re having dinner at 6pm at night, and a nonsense. So it’s very interesting to me to see what’s happening with Biden with the crypto markets with all sorts of things with the COVID the vaccines and you know, you have to realize that things are not what They seem and you know, going into the future, it will make clear to your mind that, you know, I remember all these events that happened in COVID, and then the vaccines and all this sort of stuff. I you I use, I seem to think that a lot of my members and the Chatbot newsletter, the members, probably more awake, maybe not all of them. But you guys have been very good. And it’s been a very, very solid community have been very busy lately. And we are trying to do as as good as we can, like, we have a lot of numbers to service, I do a lot of reading, we’re doing a lot of investigating, we’re doing a lot of linguistics analysis, which, you know, really no one out there in the world is really doing. And it’s, it’s been quite successful. And I’m having a lot of fun, you know, ups and downs, of course, like with anything with any business, and I really have to thank you guys for your love and your support. Because without them, you know, all this couldn’t be possible. So I just wanted to post this quick podcast, and just to tell you guys that the market cap, you know, we put out a, let me just go to the newsletter alert that we put out today, because we’ve had a lot of people sort of call in and vet a lot of people on our, on your site to join. And it’s yeah, I basically, you know, just posted the title, you know, we, we’ve had our big Easter, we’re talking about the Chinese economy, we’re talking about the XRP, the scam stories, the crap stories that the new mainstream media need to push out, you know, as you listen to this XRP is up $1. But, you know, we have other, we have other initial targets that so I really feel the stock market’s too high. And I think you know, that will come into trouble as well with without economies like Western Europe and US and many other countries that, you know, maybe fully down the track, we’ll have some repercussions of the COVID. And I really think that people that are waking up to the crypto space is sort of like a a cycle thing. Maybe this, the earlier that you got into crypto, the, you know, the, maybe the more rewards you might receive in, in down the track. So, you know, it’s, for me personally, it’s always good to be seven steps ahead of other people. I really feel that, you know, I’ve tried to do that for many, many years. And, you know, I basically I’m putting my head down when I’m just learning more and more, I’m, like I said, I’m not a guru, we’ve been fortunate enough to really get some accurate predictions, not just in the crypto market. And for me, personally, it’s been pretty fun, it’s been rewarding. And we’re continuing and we’re continuing on to try and put out really good stuff for you guys. And I hope people really do see the crypto more as an opportunity rather than a scam. But you know, I don’t know, and I’ve talked about it many, many times on here before that the crypto space and, you know, some of these coins out there, you know, the 7000, a lot of them going to drop off, a lot of them are going to, you know, get delisted off exchanges, a lot of them will go to zero, I get that. But, you know, we’re sort of telling people that, you know, Blockchain is the future and blockchain is where it’s at. It’s just in that really weird teenage, you know, spectrum that, you know, it’s it’s trying to figure itself out. And it’s sort of like, you know, in the dial up days of the internet now, and, you know, people just, I remember a few people saying, well, the internet’s not gonna go anywhere. It’s just another scam. It’s a it’s one of those things that’s a fad. You know, here we are. So I know a lot of you are doing well. And that’s really great to see. And a lot of chatter, chatter body ends, uh, you know, basically know that there’s a lot of stuff coming. And I’m just gonna keep doing my thing day in here day in, day out, that’s what I’m good at. And that’s what I’m continuing to do. So, you know, just remember, none of this is financial advice, where, you know, you’re basically watching a big blockchain experiment, what he ran is that we try to tap into the future and sort of see things that other people can’t see. And you know, while other people sleep, we are working and, you know, we’re out there watching out for, for the, you know, the fake news and what people are pumping out there, all the bullshit, and all the crap. And, you know, I’m just here and I’m grateful for you guys. And some of the several people on my team are some of the best in the world. But you know, with a $2 trillion market cap nearly crypto I suppose, you know, even though I thought it would come a bit later. It sort of shows that you know, things have been speeding up and how much money has been pouring into the space Uh, I really think that this like, cough cough, you know, let’s, let’s not spread germs on the feet and the currency, let’s go digital. And, you know, let’s

let’s let’s just get this crypto thing and this, you know, thing that’s just sort of morphed into a big balloon, will it keep going? Well, I mean, you know, we will, we will see. But I think, like I keep saying in the future crypto is probably going to morph into something that we can’t even recognize. So I know it’ll be complicated. But for now, I’m not really worried about what’s happening in 30 years, 20 years from now, 30 years from now, I’m sort of just worried getting getting through the day to day stuff and, you know, helping mums and dads and, you know, people that just want to be better in life, want to pay bills want to pay their debts? In the meantime, you know, you know, can I see $3 trillion market cap for crypto? Yeah, sure. I mean, I don’t think that’s really a question to ask, because of how quickly things have developed over the last, you know, six and 12 months, but I’m working on a few things, guys, I’m setting up things here for you guys. And it’s really going to be beneficial for you guys. And I know, it probably sounds like an ad or it sounds like I I’m trying to advertise. But you know, realistically, I really think there’s so much stuff that I can say on here. And there is limited time that you know, it’s better off if you just join our newsletter, you can go back I think I’m having a look here there’s over 600 alerts, updates. You can go back you can see all our accurate predictions and what we’ve said and things have come true and things that are sort of not come through yet but probably on the on the not too distant horizon. And it’s been a lot of fun. So that’s about it. For me today, guys. We had a lot of a lot of interesting things. I will post another podcast probably later today. But you know, it’s been a busy time. And it’s been it’s been very positive. So going forward, we will continue to do that. If it’s you feel free, please remember to like, share and subscribe to this podcast and share it with your friends and family. And also leave the link for our VIP and Gold Member newsletter which is a crypto daily alerts newsletter. I’ll leave the link for that below. Please feel free to join that if you do and if you don’t, that’s alright. It’s there for you and provided very, very comprehensive information. And also we are you know, releasing secret coins that other people probably might not be aware of. And we give reasons and justifications for that. Alright guys, that’s about it for me today signing off. Yeah, I will actually post another podcast later tonight. But for me, that’s about it for now. And thank you for listening. Thank you for joining and I’ll talk to you all soon. Okay, bye bye.

crypto altcoin podcast archive image

Podcast Archive โ€“ Chipโ€™s Predictions From April 7 2021

This post will provide you the link to his podcast, and the embed of his podcast – so that you may listen to it on this site, which was published on this date:

DATE: April 7, 2021 – “Crypto psychic – Once In A Generation Opportunity”

LINK: Click Here


In order to help you save time you also can find the podcast audio transcript below this section. If you prefer to read or scan a podcast’s content, instead of listening to it, then we hope that this offers you some benefit. Due to the translation software we can’t guarantee 100% accuracy so you are welcome to listen to the podcast in order to ensure accuracy of what Chip said at the time.

Once you like what Chip offered and believe that his predictive linguistics model is valuable to you, then contact us by clicking the button below and contacting us. We can offer you a promo code to get access to the VIP private members area for the Chatterbot crypto and altcoin investment newsletter. Thank you and we look forward to hearing from you soon!


Hey guys, what’s up chip here, welcome to the chatter bot newsletter podcast radio series. I’m your host, Jeff Smith from Australia, I want to welcome you wherever you are in the world today in Australia, we have clients in and around America, Antarctica, New Zealand, wherever you are, guys, thank you for tuning in, we’ve been doing a lot of these podcasts. Unfortunately, we have not been able to do as many as I thought. It’s been very busy. And we’re actually keeping quiet sort of things very secretive, because I want to keep things private. And I’m not really ready for, you know, for the mainstream to listen to what we have, because I really don’t think there’s anyone in the world that is doing anything like we are doing. So. Thank you for all the comments. Thank you for all the kind words, we I wanted to post this today. Because if you didn’t know, the crypto market and the market cap for the entire crypto space has actually, we will, as you’re listening to this has hit about $2 trillion. And for me, personally, I was under the will I was under the notion that this might not happen. And probably until maybe 2023, are somewhere around about those days. So it’s interesting for me that this is the timelines of sort of sped up a bit. And I really wanted to tell people that the entire crypto space is starting to change. The reason is, because when we first put out, put out the podcasts here, we were talking that crypto would eventually start to ram across into other nations. And that has actually happened, we will accurate again, there is now you know, probably over 20 specific niches including music and non fungible tokens, which is starting to take off and also the tokenization and, or physical things. So it’s very interesting, like art, and there’s even virtual land being bought inside of games. And so this is what is happening, crypto was eventually going to evolve into turn into something different. And I really do think that crypto, you know, many, many, many, many years from now is going to evolve and morph into something that we probably won’t even realize. So it’s very interesting, it’s very early days. And I really do think that in in the future, there might be probably a time where, you know, you’re not gonna see the opportunities that you are now. But you know, I’ve been in this thing. I’ve been doing this podcast for a number of years. And it’s very, very, I’m very, very fulfilled that some of the predictions and some of the stuff we’re putting out there. As a crypto analyst, you know, they’re starting to come to fruition. Yes, it’s probably taking a lot of time. But I’ve always been under the impression that you shouldn’t put out time limits, because if you say a certain things going to happen by the 20th of August 2021, doesn’t, you know, people get angry. So with that entail, I really feel that some of the content and some of the stuff we’re pushing out there, you know, is far reaching. We’re known throughout the world, now through Australia, America, Twitter. So very interesting. And some of even the calls we’ve made on sport have come through as well. So that has been interesting. And I really feel that if you are in the position right now, and you are awake, and you realize that, you know, this sport is rigged, the political side of the world is rigged. The news is rigged. You know, even crypto, yes. But you know, even if you’re not an investor, you’re listening to this, and you’re sort of a bit skeptical. You’re listening to this right now. And you’re thinking No, you know, I wanted to check this out. And I’m a bit skeptical about what’s happening around me. It’s just the process of you waking up. Psychologically, you’re you’re adapting and you’re realizing that, you know, the things that you’ve been told for many, many years are slowly, you know, not coming through and the stuff we’re putting out here is coming true. And so for me, personally, I’m in the fake news and the media. I mean, I don’t really watch the news at night. But me personally, you know, if you do want to know 99% of those news and stories that you see while you’re having dinner at 6pm at night, and a nonsense. So it’s very interesting to me to see what’s happening with Biden with the crypto markets with all sorts of things with the COVID the vaccines and you know, you have to realize that things are not what They seem and you know, going into the future, it will make clear to your mind that, you know, I remember all these events that happened in COVID, and then the vaccines and all this sort of stuff. I you I use, I seem to think that a lot of my members and the Chatbot newsletter, the members, probably more awake, maybe not all of them. But you guys have been very good. And it’s been a very, very solid community have been very busy lately. And we are trying to do as as good as we can, like, we have a lot of numbers to service, I do a lot of reading, we’re doing a lot of investigating, we’re doing a lot of linguistics analysis, which, you know, really no one out there in the world is really doing. And it’s, it’s been quite successful. And I’m having a lot of fun, you know, ups and downs, of course, like with anything with any business, and I really have to thank you guys for your love and your support. Because without them, you know, all this couldn’t be possible. So I just wanted to post this quick podcast, and just to tell you guys that the market cap, you know, we put out a, let me just go to the newsletter alert that we put out today, because we’ve had a lot of people sort of call in and vet a lot of people on our, on your site to join. And it’s yeah, I basically, you know, just posted the title, you know, we, we’ve had our big Easter, we’re talking about the Chinese economy, we’re talking about the XRP, the scam stories, the crap stories that the new mainstream media need to push out, you know, as you listen to this XRP is up $1. But, you know, we have other, we have other initial targets that so I really feel the stock market’s too high. And I think you know, that will come into trouble as well with without economies like Western Europe and US and many other countries that, you know, maybe fully down the track, we’ll have some repercussions of the COVID. And I really think that people that are waking up to the crypto space is sort of like a a cycle thing. Maybe this, the earlier that you got into crypto, the, you know, the, maybe the more rewards you might receive in, in down the track. So, you know, it’s, for me personally, it’s always good to be seven steps ahead of other people. I really feel that, you know, I’ve tried to do that for many, many years. And, you know, I basically I’m putting my head down when I’m just learning more and more, I’m, like I said, I’m not a guru, we’ve been fortunate enough to really get some accurate predictions, not just in the crypto market. And for me, personally, it’s been pretty fun, it’s been rewarding. And we’re continuing and we’re continuing on to try and put out really good stuff for you guys. And I hope people really do see the crypto more as an opportunity rather than a scam. But you know, I don’t know, and I’ve talked about it many, many times on here before that the crypto space and, you know, some of these coins out there, you know, the 7000, a lot of them going to drop off, a lot of them are going to, you know, get delisted off exchanges, a lot of them will go to zero, I get that. But, you know, we’re sort of telling people that, you know, Blockchain is the future and blockchain is where it’s at. It’s just in that really weird teenage, you know, spectrum that, you know, it’s it’s trying to figure itself out. And it’s sort of like, you know, in the dial up days of the internet now, and, you know, people just, I remember a few people saying, well, the internet’s not gonna go anywhere. It’s just another scam. It’s a it’s one of those things that’s a fad. You know, here we are. So I know a lot of you are doing well. And that’s really great to see. And a lot of chatter, chatter body ends, uh, you know, basically know that there’s a lot of stuff coming. And I’m just gonna keep doing my thing day in here day in, day out, that’s what I’m good at. And that’s what I’m continuing to do. So, you know, just remember, none of this is financial advice, where, you know, you’re basically watching a big blockchain experiment, what he ran is that we try to tap into the future and sort of see things that other people can’t see. And you know, while other people sleep, we are working and, you know, we’re out there watching out for, for the, you know, the fake news and what people are pumping out there, all the bullshit, and all the crap. And, you know, I’m just here and I’m grateful for you guys. And some of the several people on my team are some of the best in the world. But you know, with a $2 trillion market cap nearly crypto I suppose, you know, even though I thought it would come a bit later. It sort of shows that you know, things have been speeding up and how much money has been pouring into the space Uh, I really think that this like, cough cough, you know, let’s, let’s not spread germs on the feet and the currency, let’s go digital. And, you know, let’s

Unknown Speaker 10:09
let’s let’s just get this crypto thing and this, you know, thing that’s just sort of morphed into a big balloon, will it keep going? Well, I mean, you know, we will, we will see. But I think, like I keep saying in the future crypto is probably going to morph into something that we can’t even recognize. So I know it’ll be complicated. But for now, I’m not really worried about what’s happening in 30 years, 20 years from now, 30 years from now, I’m sort of just worried getting getting through the day to day stuff and, you know, helping mums and dads and, you know, people that just want to be better in life, want to pay bills want to pay their debts? In the meantime, you know, you know, can I see $3 trillion market cap for crypto? Yeah, sure. I mean, I don’t think that’s really a question to ask, because of how quickly things have developed over the last, you know, six and 12 months, but I’m working on a few things, guys, I’m setting up things here for you guys. And it’s really going to be beneficial for you guys. And I know, it probably sounds like an ad or it sounds like I I’m trying to advertise. But you know, realistically, I really think there’s so much stuff that I can say on here. And there is limited time that you know, it’s better off if you just join our newsletter, you can go back I think I’m having a look here there’s over 600 alerts, updates. You can go back you can see all our accurate predictions and what we’ve said and things have come true and things that are sort of not come through yet but probably on the on the not too distant horizon. And it’s been a lot of fun. So that’s about it. For me today, guys. We had a lot of a lot of interesting things. I will post another podcast probably later today. But you know, it’s been a busy time. And it’s been it’s been very positive. So going forward, we will continue to do that. If it’s you feel free, please remember to like, share and subscribe to this podcast and share it with your friends and family. And also leave the link for our VIP and Gold Member newsletter which is a crypto daily alerts newsletter. I’ll leave the link for that below. Please feel free to join that if you do and if you don’t, that’s alright. It’s there for you and provided very, very comprehensive information. And also we are you know, releasing secret coins that other people probably might not be aware of. And we give reasons and justifications for that. Alright guys, that’s about it for me today signing off. Yeah, I will actually post another podcast later tonight. But for me, that’s about it for now. And thank you for listening. Thank you for joining and I’ll talk to you all soon. Okay, bye bye.

crypto altcoin podcast archive image

Podcast Archive โ€“ Chipโ€™s Predictions From April 7, 2021

Many people have wanted to know how accurate the Chatterbot newsletter has been before investing into the VIP private members area. One thing which may help you decide is to listen to Chip’s public podcasts from previous posting dates; and then you can determine how accurate his predictions were from the time of the posting.

This post will provide you the link to his podcast, and the embed of his podcast – so that you may listen to it on this site, which was published on this date:

DATE: April 7, 2021 – “Crypto Psychic – Big Events Coming oh Boy!”

LINK: Click Here


In order to help you save time you also can find the podcast audio transcript below this section. If you prefer to read or scan a podcast’s content, instead of listening to it, then we hope that this offers you some benefit. Due to the translation software we can’t guarantee 100% accuracy so you are welcome to listen to the podcast in order to ensure accuracy of what Chip said at the time.

Once you like what Chip offered and believe that his predictive linguistics model is valuable to you, then contact us by clicking the button below and contacting us. We can offer you a promo code to get access to the VIP private members area for the Chatterbot crypto and altcoin investment newsletter. Thank you and we look forward to hearing from you soon!


Hey guys, what’s up ship here, welcome to the chatter bot newsletter podcast radio series. I’m your host chip Smith from Australia, I want to welcome you today to today’s show, we do what’s called apps and apps, we set them in the blockchain. And we spread out across the internet, and use specific data to try and predict events before they happen. We did have a lot of accuracy with the Superbowl we did have a lot of accuracy with the crypto markets this year. And also with the college basketball, unfortunately, we did call the, you know, the finals, but we didn’t actually get the winner Ryan. So it was pretty interesting to actually do a lot of data and linguistics and pattern work on that. And I think, you know, when we’re talking about what’s happening in and around the world, I really do feel that what we’re looking at is, we’re looking at a state right now where, you know, I really think that the Biden that you’re seeing right now isn’t the real president, he really can’t pardon anyone. And I really think that the decision for the Democrats to rig, the US election is really going to come back and haunt them very soon. So I know, while you might be listening to this, and might be a little bit confused, that’s okay. I think things will make, you know, they’ll make sense in time. But right now, you know, you are watching part of, of a show, you’re watching part of the circus. And I think as time moves on, you’re going to be rapidly progressed into, you know, reality, and what’s been going on with COVID, which I would say it’s not a pandemic, it’s more like a scam. demic. And I really think, you know, for people that think that’s a conspiracy, they need to sort of look into what’s happening, you know, do any of your friends or family or, or close relatives, have they had the flu? Are they sick? Have they had COVID? Has anyone on your family died from COVID? And I guess, you know, 99% of the time for that would be the answer would be no. The other interesting thing that I really want to hone in on is Did you see the event they had at the White House, they had a so called Biden Easter egg hunt, with the with the fake is the rabbit, Bunny and all that stuff. But if if you did actually see what was happening, which was quite interesting, at this specific time, when we were watching, our team was watching the Biden Easter egg hunt. And also, we were watching the the actual, really the live White House feed webcam feed at the same time, and are both showing different things. So this is the thing, I think people are starting to wake up that you know, Biden is not really the real President of the United States. I know that it’s probably hard for some of you to comprehend, but others who are awake, you know, know exactly what we’re talking about. So I think it’s a really good idea right now, if you are out there and trying to work things out to, you know, seek the truth. A lot of the members that we have on our VIP channel, crypto newsletter are very awake, they don’t watch the mainstream media news. And you know, I think people need to start watching the White House webcam feed, because some of the bullshit that the mainstream media are progressing and pushing across is not actually what’s happening in the real White House in Washington, DC. So we have actually posted some things around social media and on Twitter. And we’re pushing out a lot of stuff, which I think is important if people wanting to know, what’s really happening out there. And I really don’t think, you know, at this point of time that you’re watching, you know, real, real things happen. I think there’s a lot of things that’s going on behind the scenes. And I think for me personally, it’s a matter of, you know, watching the actual White House webcam feed when the mainstream media at the same time are pushing absolute crap. So it’s kind of funny, I know a lot of people are awake to the fact. And we saw a lot of red sirens and lights with the White House in darkness at the same time there was going to be, you know, this so called Easter event with Biden and audiences and all that sort of stuff. So I know it doesn’t it probably makes you think a lot about what’s happening in the world. It’s a very, very interesting start to the decade. I know that with crypto and we’re going to probably see more things come in to do with like space exploration and AI and robots, robotics, huge technological advances. And for people out there you know, we will be pushing the limit notes and the idea or theme, that we’re on the cusp of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. And it’s going to just basically change humanity forever. So this is what we’re talking about. Myself, I am not a guru on the tech industry, we’re basically just fully involved with the blockchain stuff. And when you’re talking about what’s happening in the blockchain world, I know, we are very, we’re at the very start, I keep telling people that, you know, it’s basically almost like a baby in a womb ready to be born. And we’re very, very early days. And so a lot of my clients have done well in crypto. And a lot of my clients continue to do well in basically trying to find, you know, the, the hidden opportunities out there before anyone else, if you can get involved with this, I really don’t think that the COVID pandemic, or whatever you want to call it, I really don’t think in the future, that’s going to be any concern of yours, because you’ll probably be able to support yourself, and crypto and money. And you may in the future, not have one job, you may wake up in the morning, and you probably will have three, four or five or several jobs, earning you specific income or a nice little chunk of income, probably three or four times more than what you’re earning at your job right now. So there’s a lot of things right now, there’s a lot of opportunities. And I think there’s a lot of secrets, there’s a lot of government corruption, there’s a lot of political corruption. And I think that the scam of the US elections, I think all that’s going to come out in time when the time is right. And I know a lot of people are going to be shocked. And I think you’re probably going to see looking at our data and our Lin with the parents, I think you’re going to see a lot more bigger news and events circulating around Biden or his son or the Biden family, I think people are not going to be ready for that sort of news. And so I really think that this is more like a mission, or I think more like a martial or situation that people can get right now. But I know they don’t like to use that martial law. You know, the N word is people are a little bit skeptical. They’re a little bit afraid. They don’t want to make people panic. So they’re using the term lockdown or terminology to that effect. So I know that people are starting to notice that, you know, Biden is even really in the White House. And I know people might be listening to this thinking, oh, you know, this guy’s a nut. But, you know, this is really, really interesting to see what’s happening because even the blue checkmarks and the very, very big cancel on Facebook and Twitter. I mean, if you think I’m kidding, the even these people are starting to question and like, be skeptical, and about the things and everything they’re seeing in the news. And also, like I said, if you keep watching the White House feed the live feed, it basically is showing nothing that the mainstream media is showing. And so I think you’re going to be in a situation down the track where a lot of these mainstream media companies are going to collapse. And we are basically, let’s just say we know a lot of people on the inside that are sharing information with us that are confirming that in the future, it’s you know, I think the news and media are going to feel and see a lot of karma coming. As you see more and more of these big accounts on Facebook and Twitter, they’re starting to question everything. They’re studying to hear everything, even some of these people are getting into crypto because they know and they can see, maybe down the track. There’s inflation. And you know, the banks really don’t look after you. And even here in Australia, the banks and the banking industry, they’re constantly in the courts. They’re constantly in trouble. They’re being called out for the greed and corruption. And I really don’t trust them anymore. So it’s a matter for me like, where is your money going to work? Where is your money going to work harder for you? And who can you really trust? I think at the end of the day, I’m not asking you to trust me or trust what I’m saying. I know we have been very, very, very accurate over the years. But I’m just saying, at the end of the day, you really have to take action and you’re the one that has to trust yourself. I really think that is the matter of how the future will be going and not trusting idiots and not trusting scams and all sorts of things. And when you see some of these journalists out there being paid to just promote crap. I mean, I would not even trust the media with a 40 foot pole. I mean, they’re using green screens, they’re using different storylines. They’re constantly lying. And I think people who are brainwashing have been watching companies like CNN on NBC or Fox or some of these big news. Some services all their life, it’s hard for them to listen to this and say, oh, yeah, this guy has a point.

Unknown Speaker 10:08
So, as people continue to wake up, I think we’re going to see a lot of things around, you know, COVID. And what’s been happening, and I just, you know, I feel sorry for people that aren’t awake, I feel sorry for people that are listening to these major news announcements. And yes, people like the mainstream media, if we want to touch on that for just a moment, you know, see at places like CNN, and CNBC and all these financial, so called, you know, commerce, financial gurus, they come on there, and they were saying back in 2016, that Bitcoin was gonna go to zero. The reason they do this, and the reason they pumped that is because they’re in cahoots with the governments, and they’re in cahoots with the big banks, and they want you a prisoner in your own mind. And they also want you to, you know, listening to people like myself, or alternative media, and they’re basically telling you, you know, in your own mind, they want you a slave to the banks, they want you in a shitty nine to five job, they want you working, they want you angry, they want you stressed, and they want you at the end of the day to be paid, you know, siphoning money across from your account to their account and making them rich. So this is how the world works, it’s pretty sick. I know that a lot of people might be listening to this. And, you know, you might be listened to the podcast for the first time, I really do advise you to go back and listen to the rest of our, you know, updates. Because at the end of the day, there’s so much stuff that’s happening, that people aren’t aware of. And I think it’s gonna shock a lot of people I think people in in the coming years are going to start waking up to what’s been happening. And also, there’s people that you know, think, you know, Bitcoin is gonna go to zero. And, you know, I don’t, I don’t really know what’s going to happen there. But, I mean, I do believe that in the future, was we’re going to see, you know, Etherium and Bitcoin do their thing. But, you know, if you’re having a look at what’s happening right now, and the Bitcoin dominance, a lot of a lot of this mentality of you know, bitcoins going to be the next dollar, I really don’t see that as the point I really don’t see that as a as an event happening. But some of these smaller coins, they’re going to give Aetherium and Bitcoin a run for their money, I do believe in the not too distant future. And then I really feel that it can morph into something else. I know that in the future, we’re looking at, you know, things like quantum computing, quantum computing getting bigger. But how will that affect affect crypto, I mean, that’s anyone’s guess. And me personally, I would, I would be thinking that it could, you know, go either way, like, either really, really badly, or really, really good. And so I think, you know, when we’re looking at all this, and you’re seeing the change, and a shift in quantum dynamics to what’s happening in the financial systems, that’s, that’s really interesting for me, and we’re doing a lot of work or a lot of investigative work. And, you know, we’re going to see a lot more people who were once skeptical of crypto, I just jump in. So we’re very, very early days, I keep saying that. I know. But we are, it’s sort of like the dial up days of the internet. And if you can remember that I was just a youngster. And I remember being in school and people saying, Oh, you have the internet or Yeah, and sort of people, either on the side of like, you know, this is a fad. Or the other side was oh, wow, that’s really cool. You know, I think that’s gonna be big in the future. And so here we are, like, this is 2021. And things have rapidly progressed. And I’m obviously a lot older now. But there’s, there’s a lot of things that I I think there’s a lot of big, shocking events coming, I don’t think people are going to be ready for the big shocking events. But when they do happen, I think it’s going to be good for humanity. And I do, I really think it’s going to help others. Other people out there who were asleep at the wheel, really, really wake up to the importance of the internet, the importance of blockchain and the importance of you know, sorting out and being self sustained in a in an economy that, you know, might be in Rocky, Rocky or dire situations. I really think Europe is in a lot of trouble. And people aren’t talking enough about that. But for me personally, I don’t know when the shit will hit the fan with that. But I do think if you’re in Europe, it’s something to think about. Because there there is a lot of things happening inside the government. There’s a lot of things happening inside the banks, the stock markets in Germany and Europe and you know, especially in Western Europe that people aren’t looking at. And so we’re looking In a lot of data, we’re scraping from that area. And I think people, you know, it’s a situation where you have a choice, you can either sort of put your head in the sand, or like with people in crypto, they, you know, a lot of my members sort of saw the, the use of crypto or how it can be very, very, you know, big in the future or how it could be useful. And they just jumped on. And, you know, obviously, they have reaped huge rewards. Obviously, you can go back and look at our previous podcast yesterday, because one of our members has made, you know, half a million dollars just by reading our newsletter updates. So I mean, there’s no guarantees, I’m not here to tell you, you’re going to be an instant millionaire, I really don’t think that people are aware of the karma side, or the karmic side of the finances and the financial world. Because if you start getting greedy, and you start, you know, rubbing you $2 together, and oh, I’m gonna get rich, and I’m gonna be a millionaire. And I’m gonna take over the world, and this is my ticket to becoming a billionaire. Well, I mean, I’ve seen that happen time and time again. I think, for me, personally, I’m just very happy to be doing what I’m doing. I’m very blessed. You guys have been very nice to me. And, you know, in this world, I treat people the way they treat me and I go out of my way, if someone sort of, you know, wants some help, but I, while I can’t help everyone, all the time, I do try to go out of my way to help people that that are in need. And that sort of need questions answered. It’s been a very, very interesting week, I’ve had a very good relax and r&r because I felt that in this sort of semester, and the last couple of months, we’ve been working a little bit, you know, to the extreme. And I felt that, you know, some of myself and my staff, we probably, you know, we just needed to recharge your battery. And I think Easter gave us that opportunity. So it’s really good to be energized, it’s really good to come back and do some of these podcasts. You guys. I know, I can’t, I can’t do them all the time. But I mean, we’re trying our best. And that’s all we can do. We’re just messengers, I’m not, I’m not here to say I’m a guru, or I know the future or I’m from the future. We even had a really funny comment that, you know, one guy said, Oh, are you guys like robots from the future? Well, no, we, we are real people, we just, we work really hard at this. And we try to be the best in the world at what we’re doing. So I know, in the future, there’s probably a lot more other people that are going to come on board and do what we’re doing. But for me right now, it’s it’s a matter of just, you know, working hard trying to provide a service, I really don’t see how things will change for me in the next two years. But I’m hoping that with some of the developments we have, you know, it’s going to take our business to the next level, and we might sort of morph into something else. I’m not sure about that yet. But it’s been very rewarding for me. And I couldn’t do this without you guys. And I know some of my team members are listening to this. So from the bottom of my heart, and from all my gratitude that I have, I want to thank each and every one of you for taking time out of your day to either support us or read us or listen to us here on the podcast. Because I think, you know, we’re in a situation where I think many lives can be changed, I think many lives can be saved. I’m not here to tell you to join our VIP chatterbot newsletter, you don’t have to buy anything from me because I’m just you know, I mean, the reason is, if we do so much, there’s so many things, it’s probably just easier for people to go in, and you can get access to all their past newsletters, or their past content or their past podcasts. And it just, you know, while while it’s all a heck of a lot of stuff.

Unknown Speaker 18:59
I really think that’s just the easier way than, you know, go to each person individually and start coaching them, you know, we just sort of say, hey, look, you know, join up and read all the updates, get all the coaching, take some notes, and it seems to be working quite well. So that’s about it. Because yeah, we we try to keep things simple here. And I know that in the political world in the financial world, I think these I think there’s going to be a lot of events come in this this pandemic was just the start or the acceleration of that because people are talking you know, cough cough, you know, hand on germs, hand on fiat money, physical money, let’s move to the digital side. So we didn’t post a little random article this morning, which which wasn’t China wasn’t really meaning China is going into crypto but they are definitely going into digital currency meaning, you know, more like a government backed digital dollar and not really crypto but they use both. There’s a lot of people in China that they I know that they’re, you know, probably five years ahead of other countries, including America. And they all they know what’s coming, they know what’s coming. My friend who was in China said, you know, they were buying stuff with their phone, not fiat money, then I think that was an financial, they put money on their phone, they go in there, they buy things from the shop. So it’s already becoming very digital, a very digital economy. And they said, not many people were using cash to buy things. So I thought that was very interesting. And personally, I would like to go over there and see it. But for me at the moment, I think, you know, we’re just, we’re just here doing our thing plugging away. And that’s about it. Alright, guys, well, I had fun today, it’s been really interesting. And I think some of some of these newsletters and podcasts have been joining. But I’ve been sort of disappointed, because, you know, all these newsletters out there, sort of pinpoint and talk about things that have already happened. We’re trying to talk about things that haven’t yet happened that, you know, could spread opportunities, and that could give, you know, an advantage over other people and other investors out there. Right now, there’s huge amount of things happening. I do. I do also think that robotics is an area that I’ve been looking at, over the last couple of months to and the data with web scraping there looks really, really positive. And I think there is a YouTube as well called Boston Dynamics, which they sort of seem to be the forefront and the leaders in the robotics world. And I’ve been sort of watching them having a look at the comments in the in the, in the, in the in the comments section of those videos, which are quite amusing. And people saying, Oh, my God, we’re screwed. You know? I don’t know, I don’t know about the whole robots taking over the world and killing people. But I mean, you know, I will, I hope that doesn’t happen. But I just think there’s probably going to be some opportunities and some developments in the not too distant future where, you know, you could probably take opportunities up in that space. But we’re, as we said, it’s a little bit early. There’s not too much that we can say other than just keep your eye on it. And the these other things that we do, because I think some of the thematic thematics and the themes in that sort of area are worth watching as we go sort of into 2024 2025 and then into 2030. So, you know, I don’t think that the Jetsons and pumping out the Jetsons cartoon way back in the day when I was little. I don’t think that was an accident. And I think, you know, are we are we going to enter into a world where the Jetsons are more like real world reality? Well, I don’t know. But I can definitely see. See a situation where that could eventuate Yeah, sure. Maybe in 100 years, I don’t know. But these are just sort of birth pangs we’re experiencing right now. And, you know, it’s definitely a world of futuristic world, you know, space exploration, sat nav, staff, robotics, 5g, you know, all these areas are things that I think we have been talking about, but they’re things that you could, you could probably write down and just sort of keep your thumb on, as we go in the next, you know, I’d probably say the next decade, because there’s so many things and opportunities in that side of the world, that people just aren’t looking at, and aren’t observing in 2021. So that’s about it. For me today, guys. I know, I covered a lot of stuff. And you know, the future is what you make it and I know that people are going through a bit of a hard time now they’ve probably maybe suffered like a loss, even though you might not have suffered a death or loss in your family. It’s sort of like, oh, you know, all this big, I’ve lost my job or have lost my income, or have lost money or that sort of thing. So I wouldn’t be sort of telling those people or if you’re in that situation, just sort of keep positive. And, you know, hang around people that are positive and who are trying to do better in life and who are trying to make lemonade out of lemons. That’s all we’ve done. It’s been working for us. I’m not sure if it works for you, but we’ve been just sort of trying to keep fairly positive and keep on track and just plan plan ahead. So that’s been really good for us. Alright, guys, that’s about it for me. I’m going to stop rambling here 25 minutes now and I’m going to let you back to your day. If you feel free, please remember to like, share and subscribe to this podcast. And also if you are not a member of our daily VIP chatter bot newsletter, please feel free to click that link and join it the meantime have a great day thanks for listening and I’ll talk to you all very soon Peace

Podcast Archive โ€“ Chipโ€™s Predictions From April 17, 2021

Many people have wanted to know how accurate the Chatterbot newsletter has been before investing into the VIP private members area. One thing which may help you decide is to listen to Chip’s public podcasts from previous posting dates; and then you can determine how accurate his predictions were from the time of the posting.

This post will provide you the link to his podcast, and the embed of his podcast – so that you may listen to it on this site, which was published on this date:

DATE: April 17, 2021 “Crypto Psychic – Doge Coin & Crypto Tidbits ๐Ÿถ๐Ÿถ”

LINK: Click Here


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Once you like what Chip offered and believe that his predictive linguistics model is valuable to you, then contact us by clicking the button below and contacting us. We can offer you a promo code to get access to the VIP private members area for the Chatterbot crypto and altcoin investment newsletter. Thank you and we look forward to hearing from you soon!


Hey guys, what’s up chip here, welcome to the Chatterbot newsletter podcast radio series. I’m your host, Chad Smith from Australia. I want to welcome you, we put apps and apps, we sit them in the blockchain, and we spread out across the Internet to try and predict events and crypto prices before they happen. The asset prices on the crypto market have now surpassed I’m having a look here. And we’re looking at over a 2.2 trillion market cap well, very, very interesting. And you actually seeing history in the making. And I really think that myself personally, with in terms of the crypto asset market space, you could see even more of a 100 or 200 or 200x times your return, you know, and people don’t realize the magnitude of what is happening. So, what I wanted to do today is just talk about the entire crypto market. I know that a lot of people are excited, I know a lot of people are talking about Bitcoin and Aetherium. I personally, I don’t really own these top coins. The reason is because the the Bitcoin dominance has started to come down. So it really is a smart way for my team to investigate and look at and approach the market. And I did remember listening to an interview on the Gestalt University podcast. And the guy was sort of saying that, you know, the public is really unprepared for what’s going to happen in the crypto world, the digital asset space. And I really think it’s going to transform the current financial landscape, what’s happening. So I think there’s, there’s a parallel between the financial universe being built right in front of your eyes. And I also think that people really don’t have a comprehension of how big this really will be. It really was one of the main reasons why I started this podcast, because I thought, you know, people were either skeptical or people were probably going to jump out of coins too early. So if you listen to this podcast, and you have been a listener for a long time, these are some of the reasons that I’m doing what I’m doing. And as you know, our crypto newsletter has been very successful, very accurate. And a lot of our members are reaping huge rewards, we have a couple of our members who have quit their jobs, just by reading a few words on the pages. And you have to remember that words are power, and words, the set in the blockchain, and that we can do predictive linguistics. And logarithms basically, can help many, many people, you know, find other things that you didn’t think were out there. And so I know there’s a lot of bickering right now in the Bitcoin communities, and it’s pretty sad to see, but I really think that, you know, blockchain technology in the digital asset space in terms of when we’re talking about, you know, the internet or the web, it really is probably going to be number one, the next internet. And number two, it’s going to reshape the financial system, as you know it. And I think, you know, when we’re talking trillions of dollars, people are now starting to wake up to the fact that even these big asset managers, people in Wall Street, big business enterprises, as you know, it recently Elon Musk, as you know, put through a lot of his own money, or the business of Tesla, Tesla’s money into Bitcoin itself. So, as you’re looking at the digital assets sector, and it’s sort of passing the 2.2 trillion market cap, I really think that, you know, we’re talking about the market, probably doubling or tripling or quadrupling, you know, in the next several years. So that’s something that we will, you know, look for, and it’s not out of the question to talk about, you know, a 6 trillion market cap. It’s pretty unbelievable to speak about it like that. But the normies and the people that, you know, don’t know what’s really going on out there. Even the baby boomers, some more millennials, who are sick of the banks. You know, they’re in their 30s. Now, maybe, and they’re looking at other opportunities that they want to take. And you know, these are these people are trying to set themselves up when they’re retired. And they know that they can’t really do much, you know, the interest rates are really low right now. The market property prices have really skyrocketed, and I think we’ve, you know, the limited Bitcoin supply. There’s, there’s a lot of people that are probably starting to think now that okay, well, I’ve made a huge amount of money on Bitcoin. And I’m just having a look at the charts here and Bitcoin is currently out about 60 1000s. So it’s dropped a little bit but I really think when we’re talking about the entire crypto space, I think it’s going to be very interesting what happens, you know, roundabout June and then leading on into December this year, as more and more institutions, you know, really crave and really want to dive into the space. And then if you don’t realize they’ve been doing a lot of research over the last probably a year and a half. So I know there’s a lot of risks involved. And you know, the probability is there, and the higher people expect the market to go, I think the higher the market will go. And I’m not going to put out a crazy number for Bitcoin, because our blockchain bots and predictive linguistics have already hit the levels of Bitcoin, a lot of people laughed at us, but these levels have been hit. And I think when you’re listening to the top guys out there, all they’re trying to do is I think they’re trying to outdo each other one person will say, Oh, you know, Bitcoins, gonna hit 50,000, bitcoins gonna hit 100,000, and then the next guy comes along bitcoins gonna hit 2 million, I really think as the crypto market changes and develops and, and that sort of thing, I think we’re gonna see Bitcoin, you know, probably not hit those higher levels that people are out there saying, because what will happen very soon as you’ll go from proof of work to proof of stake, and then probably proof to proof of something else, which means the crypto market will have to grow and develop a lot of these people that, you know, maybe have money, we’ll look to see a Bitcoin but if bitcoin goes up to I think, you know, Bitcoin could go to 80, or 90,000. But these people will sort of think, oh, you know, that’s a bit of a bit pricey, I can afford to buy one Bitcoin. So they’re going to start to look around at these cheaper coins. We already knew this ahead of time, we already set out a military plan for that sort of event. And as you can see, a lot of our members have already been reaping many, many huge rewards from that explosion of coins, you know, this week, like Dogecoin, which, you know, I have to be a little bit careful have to think about that, because, you know, realistically, doggy coin was a was a coin that was started as a joke. But now it’s, you know, 50 million market cap, and there’s a lot of people just jumping in because they think they’re gonna get rich. Well, I think it’s sage, you know, we’re looking at an event, which might not be favorable to a lot of the serious investors out there. So for me personally, you have to be a little bit wary, a little bit careful with coins like doggy coin, because they’re basically just a, they’re a name in the blockchain that backed up by nothing, they do not do nothing. Although on the positive side, I do, I have used doggy coin in the past. The coin has, you know, really surprised me, it’s very fast, it’s very stable, very cheap to use. And that’s probably one thing going for it. However, the negatives and the positives, you know, you must as a, as an investor, as a crypto investor, as someone who is a student with their money, you really need to sit down and work out, you know, is this is this sort of thing for me. So it’s going to be a very, very interesting next couple of months. I know we are, I can’t believe we’re in at the end of April. Now, this year has gone very fast. Crypto has been growing at a rapid rate. And for me, personally, it’s hard to keep up but I know I do. I try to put out one alert update on our newsletter per day. We’ve been very accurate. One of our clients has made 50 Or sorry, 500,000. And we have many, many positive stories that are coming through. I’m not here to spam you. I’m just sort of saying that. You know, we are probably sort of one of the go to guys right now, when it comes to logarithm X. And when it comes to predictive linguistics and blockchain. And you know, we’re really giving out the positive news before it’s actually becoming news.

Unknown Speaker 9:10
Myself personally, when it’s been very rewarding, I’ve been learning a lot. And as you know, you know that that is really what the crypto market is about. I don’t really think people understand that the crypto market has been put there just oh, you know, want to get rich, I want to be famous. I want to be a squillion err, I really think it’s been a gift that’s been handed to us. Not many people realize just how good of a gift we have. So when you have something like this, it’s a sort of once a once in a generational type thing. And I mean, I’m always blessed. I’m always happy. I always try to try to stay positive. And I just realize what you know, this morning, just the magnitude of the opportunity that we have right here. And I think you know, in the future crypto is probably going to morph into something that Many of us don’t even realize yet. You know, what I’m really talking about is, you know, the robotics, the AI, you know, and the alternative energy sort of sectors that probably will melt in to some of these crypto facilities. So for me, it’s been a very, very wild ride, but it’s been very enjoyable. And I am, you know, I’m trying to be better. I’m trying to be a better investor and trying to be, you know, someone who can help. And as you know, we’re not here to try and sell you anything. I love the fact that we’re getting a lot more members. And I love the fact that there’s a lot of listeners that are starting to wake up, we’re realizing that even more and more people that come in involved with, you know, how crypto is working, how it will be the future, and how the financial landscape is going to change after COVID ID. So that’s about it for me today. It’s a few little tidbits for you to think about in the coming weeks. However, if you feel free, please remember to like, share, and subscribe to this podcast. And also if you wish to join our daily channel newsletter investment newsletter, please feel free to click that link below and join and we’re giving a free special little bonus to new members that register. More about that later. In the meantime, have a fantastic weekend. Thanks for listening and talk soon. Bye